Bulk Power System Planning, Procurement, & Market Processes

Advancing best practices in energy planning and procurement

Bulk Power System Planning, Procurement, & Market Processes

We evaluate resource planning studies, wholesale market design and operation, interconnection process reforms and related issues, and disseminate best practices to a broad set of stakeholders.

Stakeholders in the U.S. and abroad actively engage in long-term energy planning, evaluate new supply- and demand-side resources, seek to connect these resources to bulk power systems, and participate in wholesale markets. Stakeholder groups that routinely interact with EMP researchers include state and federal regulators, state energy officials, regional planning organizations, market operators, utilities, technology providers, and academics.

EMP provides information to these stakeholders by conducting rigorous analysis of long-term utility planning assumptions, undertaking power system expansion modeling, evaluating how actual outcomes compare to what was planned, investigating the use of market-based transactions in the planning process, exploring the characteristics of power plants seeking to connect to the transmission system, and tracking policies that affect the evolution of the power system. We disseminate our research via presentations, publications, data visualizations, and online tools.

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Resource Planning & Procurement Trends