Future Electric Utility Regulation

Evaluating utility business models, market designs, policies, and regulations within the energy system

Future Electric Utility Regulation

We capture emerging trends and considerations in changing utility regulation and business models and tap leading thinkers in our Future Electric Utility Regulation report series to inform ongoing discussion and debate.

EMP’s Future Electric Utility Regulation report series provides multiple perspectives on complex issues related to providing reliable and affordable electricity service and meeting climate goals. Our Advisory Group includes state utility regulators, utilities, utility consumer and energy justice advocates, and other experts. This group identifies topics and key issues, recommends authors, reviews draft reports, and assists with outreach. Among the topics covered: 

  • Advancing equity in utility regulation
  • The role of innovation in the electric utility sector
  • Regulatory responses to increasingly distributed electricity systems
  • Utility investments in grid modernization and resilience
  • Performance-based regulation
  • Transportation electrification
  • Centrally-organized wholesale electricity markets

Other publications offer in-depth analysis on the potential outcomes and tradeoffs of emerging policy, such as equity-focused programs or changing utility business models. EMP also offers webinars and presents at industry conferences on forward-looking topics, such as impacts on electricity systems of high levels of distributed energy resources. Our outreach informs regulators, utilities, and stakeholders on the potential effects of emerging trends in the electricity sector.

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Recent Publications

Farley, Chandra, John Howat, Jenifer Bosco, Nidhi Thakar, Jake Wise, Jean Su, and Lisa C Schwartz."Advancing Equity in Utility Regulation."Future Electric Utility Regulation Series FEUR Report No. 12 (2021).
Future Electric Utility Regulation Series