Ryan Wiser
Dr. Ryan Wiser is a Senior Scientist in and Senior Advisor to the Energy Markets and Policy Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Ryan helps lead a 60-person department that seeks to inform public and private decision making within the U.S. electricity sector through research on electric system planning, reliability and regulation as well as on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and demand response. Ryan specifically manages a research program on renewable electricity systems, including on the costs, benefits, impacts and market potential of renewable electricity sources; on electric grid operations and infrastructure impacts; on public acceptance and deployment barriers; and on the planning, design, and evaluation of renewable energy programs.
Ryan has been a lead author for two reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and he has offered invited testimony to the U.S. Senate. He was a founding member of the academic advisory board for the University of San Francisco's Master of Science in Energy Systems Management; has served on the board of directors for the Clean Energy States Alliance; serves as a United States representative on a multi-country IEA Wind collaboration on the cost of wind energy; and was previously an advisor to the Energy Foundation's China program. His work has received awards from the U.S. Secretary of Energy, Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group, the American Real Estate Society, the Wind Powering America Program, Institutional Investor News, the American Wind Energy Association, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Ryan has published !100 peer-reviewed journal articles, 20 book chapters, and 400 other conference papers, magazine articles and research reports. His work has been quoted in or by the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, USA Today, Fox News, Washington Post and numerous other publications, and he has been featured on radio and broadcast news. Ryan regularly advises public and private entities on issues related to renewable energy.
Ryan has been a consultant to, among others, the California Energy Commission, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the International Energy Agency, the World Bank, the Center for Resource Solutions, and several private companies. Prior to his employment at Berkeley Lab, Ryan worked for Hansen, McOuat, and Hamrin, Inc., the Bechtel Corporation, and the AES Corporation.
Ryan holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Stanford University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Energy and Resources from the University of California, Berkeley.
U.S. DOE Secretary of Energy Achievement Award, "Inflation Reduction Act Energy Tax Credit Tiger Team" - February 1st 2024
America Energy Society’s Best Published Research for a General Audience, Runner Up “Queued Up: Characteristics of Power Plants Seeking Transmission Interconnection” - December 1st 2023
U.S. DOE Secretary of Energy Achievement Award, Civil Nuclear Credit Program Implementation Team - February 1st 2023
American Energy Society Best Article of 2021 - Ryan Wiser - December 1st 2021
The American Energy Society cited Wiser's "Halfway to Zero" report as the best article coming from U.S. National Laboratory Research in 2021.
Windpower Monthly Mover & Shaker: Ryan Wiser - November 7th 2017
In 2017, Windpower Monthly Magazine identified Ryan Wiser as one of that year's 'movers and shakers' in the global wind energy industry.
WindEurope Summit 2016 Poster Award: Ryan Wiser, Jo Seel - October 4th 2016
Ryan Wiser and Joachim Seel were co-authors on a winning poster at the WindEurope Summit 2016. Along with Volker Berkhout (Fraunhofer IWES), Roberto Lacal-Arantegui (EC Joint Research Centre), Maureen Hand (NREL), Karen Jenni (Insight Decisions, LLC), Eric Lantz(NREL), Aaron Smith(NREL) Erin Baker(University of Massachusetts—Amherst) they won the Best Poster Award in the finance track. Their poster, titled “The World’s Leading Experts Opine on Future Wind Energy Costs and Cost Drivers,” is based on the report Forecasting Wind Energy Costs and Cost Drivers: The Views of the World’s Leading Experts.
Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group Technical Achievement Award - March 13th 2012
The Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG) gave one of its 2012 Technical Achievement Awards to Ryan Wiser, Mark Bollinger, and Andrew Mills.
The citation for the award for Wiser, Bollinger, and Mills highlights that their “research areas include the economics of wind and solar power, the integration of large-scale renewable energy projects into the electric power system, and valuation methodologies for variable generation such as solar and wind.”
Note: In 2018, UVIG became the Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG).
American Real Estate Society (ARES) 2010 Award - September 29th 2010
A conference paper, "Wind Energy Facilities and Residential Properties: The Effect of Proximity and View on Sales Prices," has won the American Real Estate Society (ARES) 2010 award for "Real Estate Sustainability" sponsored by the NAIOP Research Foundation. ARES is dedicated to producing and disseminating knowledge related to real estate decision making and the functioning of real estate markets. The paper is based on an LBNL report.
Friend of the Program Award - May 8th 2009
Presented to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in recognition of excellence and leadership in wind energy policy and market analysis, by The Wind Powering America Program at WINDPOWER 2009. At the time of the award, the renewables team included: Ryan Wiser, Mark Bolinger, Galen Barbose, Andrew Mills, Ben Hoen, Naim Darghouth, Carla Peterman, and Anna Rosa.
The 5 Most Influential In Renewable Energy - October 10th 2008
One of five individuals identified by Institutional Investor News that currently have a significant impact on and influence over the direction of the renewable energy field.
American Wind Energy Association Technical Achievement Award - January 1st 2008
Special Achievement Award - March 24th 2004
From the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) "for excellence in research, analysis, and clear documentation of renewable energy policy and market drivers."