Assessment of Historical Transmission Congestion in the Eastern Interconnection for 2015 (v2.0)

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through Berkeley Lab, issued a subcontract to Open Access Technology International (OATI) to develop historical transmission congestion analysis for the Eastern Interconnection. A methodology was developed and vetted by industry experts before performing the historical data analysis.

This study analyzes historical transmission congestion for the year 2015. The study was conducted in three phases.  First, OATI developed a proposed methodology with metric that was circulated and revised based on comments from industry reviewers.  Next, OATI applied the methodology in a pilot study for two regions, PJM and Southern Company. After successful completion of the pilot study, a complete historical transmission congestion analysis was performed for the year 2015.

Three documents were produced as part of this study, all of which are available here for download:

  1. Methodology
  2. Pilot Study
  3. Final Report

Year of Publication



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