Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Frick, Natalie Mims, Tom Eckman, Greg Leventis, and Alan H Sanstad."Methods to Incorporate Energy Efficiency in Electricity System Planning and Markets."
Bowen, Thomas, Carishma Gokhale-Welch, Karlynn Cory, and Naïm R Darghouth."Quantifying Rooftop Solar Benefits: a State-Level Value of Solar Analysis for India."
Kahrl, Fredrich, Jiang Lin, Xu Liu, and Junfeng Hu."Sunsetting coal power in China."iScience
24.9 (2021) 102939. DOI
Langevin, Jared, Chioke B Harris, Aven Satre-Meloy, Handi Chandra Putra, Andrew Speake, Elaina Present, Rajendra Adhikari, Eric Wilson, and Andrew Satchwell."U.S. Building Energy Efficiency and Flexibility as an Electric Grid Resource."SSRN Electronic Journal
(2021). DOI
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Sydney Forrester."Distributed Solar 2020 Data Update."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Sean Murphy, Cesca Miller, Greg Leventis, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Charles A Goldman, and Lisa C Schwartz."Peak Demand Savings from Efficiency: Opportunities and Practices."
Todd-Blick, Annika, C Anna Spurlock, Ling Jin, Peter Cappers, Sam Borgeson, Daniel Fredman, and Jarett Zuboy."Winners are not keepers: Characterizing household engagement, gains, and energy patterns in demand response using machine learning in the United States."Energy Research & Social Science
70 (2020). DOI
Mills, Andrew D, and Pía Rodriguez."A simple and fast algorithm for estimating the capacity credit of solar and storage."Energy
210 (2020). DOI
Sanstad, Alan H, Qianru Zhu, Benjamin Leibowicz, Peter H Larsen, and Joseph H Eto."Case Studies of the Economic Impacts of Power Interruptions and Damage to Electricity System Infrastructure from Extreme Events."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, Jarett Zuboy, Pieter Gagnon, Andrew D Mills, and Lori Bird."Demand charge savings from solar PV and energy storage."Energy Policy
146 (2020). DOI
Zinaman, Owen R, and Naïm R Darghouth."Distributed Solar Utility Tariff and Revenue Impact Analysis: A Guidebook for International Practitioners."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Maury Galbraith, and Peter H Larsen."Implications of a regional resource adequacy program on utility integrated resource planning: Study for the Western United States."
Duffy, Aidan, Maureen Hand, Ryan H Wiser, Eric Lantz, Alberto Dalla Riva, Volker Berkhout, Maria Stenkvist, David E Weir, and Roberto Lacal-Arántegui."Land-based wind energy cost trends in Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the United States."Applied Energy
277 (2020). DOI
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, Ryan H Wiser, Sydney Forrester, and Naïm R Darghouth."The impact of policies and business models on income equity in rooftop solar adoption."Nature Energy
(2020). DOI
Mills, Andrew D, Ryan H Wiser, Dev Millstein, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Will Gorman, Joachim Seel, and Seongeun Jeong."The impact of wind, solar, and other factors on the decline in wholesale power prices in the United States."Applied Energy
(2020). DOI
Millstein, Dev, Patrick Dobson, and Seongeun Jeong."The Potential to Improve the Value of U.S. Geothermal Electricity Generation Through Flexible Operations."Journal of Energy Resources Technology
413 (2020). DOI
Bolinger, Mark, Joachim Seel, Dana Robson, and Cody Warner."Utility-Scale Solar Data Update: 2020 Edition."
Schneider, Kevin, Emma Stuart, Patrick Dalton, Rois Langner, Jeffrey Taft, Paul De Martini, Debra Lew, Fritz Kahrl, Lisa C Schwartz, Juliet Homer, Cesca Miller, Matt Leach, Natalie Mims Frick, Jeremy Twitchell, Andrew D Mills, Doug Black, Jason S MacDonald, and Michael Kintner-Meyer."Integrated Distribution System Planning training for the Midwest/MISO region."
Cappers, Peter, and C Anna Spurlock."A Handbook for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Successful Electric Utility Pilots."
Dobson, Patrick, Dipankar Dwivedi, Dev Millstein, Nandini Krishnaswamy, Julio Garcia, and Mariam Kiran."Analysis of curtailment at The Geysers geothermal Field, California."Geothermics
87 (2020) 101871. DOI
Khanna, Nina, Nihar Shah, Won Young Park, Chao Ding, and Jiang Lin."Designing Policies and Programs to Accelerate High Efficiency Appliance Adoption."
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."Patience is a virtue: A data-driven analysis of rooftop solar PV permitting timelines in the United States."Energy Policy
144 (2020). DOI