Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Homer, Juliet, Alan Cooke, Lisa C Schwartz, Greg Leventis, Francisco Flores-Espino, and Michael Coddington."State Engagement in Electric Distribution System Planning."
Eto, Joseph H."Building Electric Transmission Lines: A Review of Recent Transmission Projects."
De Martini, Paul, Lorenzo Kristov, and Lisa C Schwartz."Distribution Systems in a High Distributed Energy Resources Future."Future Electric Utility Regulation Report Series
FEUR Report No. 2 (2015).
Cappers, Peter, Jason S MacDonald, Charles A Goldman, and Ookie Ma."An assessment of market and policy barriers for demand response providing ancillary services in U.S. electricity markets."Energy Policy
62 (2013) 1031-1039. DOI
Mills, Andrew D, Ryan H Wiser, and Kevin Porter."The Cost of Transmission for Wind Energy: A Review of Transmission Planning Studies."
(2009) 66.
Bressand, Florian, Nan Zhou, and Jiang Lin."al Energy use in commercial building in China: Current situation and future scenarios."2007 ECEEE Summer Study Proceedings
Goldman, Charles A, Bernard Lesieutre, and Emily S Bartholomew."A Review of Market Monitoring Activities at U.S. Independent System Operators."
(2004) 41.
Lesieutre, Bernard, and Charles A Goldman."A Review of Market Monitoring Activities at U.S. Independent System Operators."Western Interstate Energy Board Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation Las Vegas NV November 4, 2003
Eto, Joseph H, Fernando L Alvarado, Jeffery E Dagle, John F Hauer, Steven E Widergren, George Gross, Thomas J Overbye, Eric Hirst, Brendan J Kirby, David H Meyer, Shmuel S Oren, and Richard Sedano."National Transmission Grid Study (2002)."
Goldman, Charles A, Grayson C Heffner, and Galen L Barbose."Customer Load Participation in Wholesale Markets: Summer 2001 Results, Lessons Learned and “Best Practices”."
(2002) 19.
Pagliano, Lorenzo, Joseph H Eto, and Roberto Caponio."The Restructuring of the Italian Electricity Sector: Proposals for the Inclusion of Objectives for Increased Energy Efficiency and Renewables Exploitation."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) 1997 Summer Study