Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Sydney Forrester."Tracking the Sun: Pricing and Design Trends for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems in the United States, 2024 Edition."
Leventis, Greg, Sydney Forrester, and Bentham Paulos."Income Verification Strategies for Income-Based Solar Programs."
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, Sudha Kannan, and Jenny Sumner."Evaluating community solar as a measure to promote equitable clean energy access."Nature Energy
(2024). DOI
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Sydney Forrester."Tracking the Sun: Pricing and Design Trends for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems in the United States, 2023 Edition."
Gorman, Will, Galen L Barbose, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Sunhee Baik, Cesca Miller, Philip White, and Marlena Prapost."County-level assessment of behind-the-meter solar and storage to mitigate long duration power interruptions for residential customers."Applied Energy
342 (2023). DOI
Gorman, Will, Galen L Barbose, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Sunhee Baik, Cesca Miller, Philip White, and Marlena Prapost."Evaluating the Capabilities of Behind-the-Meter Solar-plus-Storage for Providing Backup Power during Long-Duration Power Interruptions."
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Sydney Forrester."Tracking the Sun: Pricing and Design Trends for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems in the United States, 2022 Edition."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Eric O'Shaughnessy, Sydney Forrester, and Galen L Barbose."Characterizing local rooftop solar adoption inequity in the US."Environmental Research Letters
17.3 (2022). DOI
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Sydney Forrester."Tracking the Sun: Pricing and Design Trends for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems in the United States, 2021 Edition."
Hoen, Ben, Joseph Rand, and Salma Elmallah."Commercial PV Property Characterization: An Analysis of Solar Deployment Trends in Commercial Real Estate."
Barbose, Galen L, and Naïm R Darghouth."Tracking the Sun: Pricing and Design Trends for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems in the United States - 2019 Edition."
Lazar, Alina, Ling Jin, C Anna Spurlock, Kesheng Wu, Alex Sim, and Annika Todd-Blick."Evaluating the Effects of Missing Values and Mixed Data Types on Social Sequence Clustering Using t-SNE Visualization."Journal of Data and Information Quality
11.2 (2019) 1 - 22. DOI
Hoen, Ben, Sandra Adomatis, Thomas Jackson, Joshua Graff-Zivin, Mark A Thayer, Geoffrey T Klise, and Ryan H Wiser."Multi-State Residential Transaction Estimates of Solar Photovoltaic System Premiums."Renewable Energy Focus
19-20 (2017) 90-103. DOI
Thakur, Jagruti, Sebastian Rauner, Naïm R Darghouth, and Basab Chakraborty."Exploring the impact of increased solar deployment levels on residential electricity bills in India."Renewable Energy
120.May 2018 (2017) 512-523. DOI
Gagnon, Pieter, Anand Govindarajan, Lori Bird, Galen L Barbose, Naïm R Darghouth, and Andrew D Mills."Solar + Storage Synergies for Managing Commercial-Customer Demand Charges."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, Andrew D Mills, Ryan H Wiser, Pieter Gagnon, and Lori Bird."Exploring Demand Charge Savings from Commercial Solar."
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, and Charles A Goldman."Financial Impacts of a Combined Energy Efficiency and Net-Metered PV Portfolio on a Prototypical Northeast Utility."
Hoen, Ben, Sandra Adomatis, Thomas Jackson, Joshua Graff-Zivin, Mark A Thayer, Geoffrey T Klise, and Ryan H Wiser."Selling Into the Sun: Price Premium Analysis of a Multi-State Dataset of Solar Homes."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."Electricity Bill Savings from Residential Photovoltaic Systems: Sensitivities to Changes in Future Electricity Market Conditions."
MacDonald, Jason S, Peter Cappers, Duncan S Callaway, and Sila Kiliccote."Demand Response Providing Ancillary Services A Comparison of Opportunities and Challenges in the US Wholesale Markets."Grid-Interop 2012
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Ryan H Wiser, and Joachim Seel."Tracking the Sun IV An Historical Summary of the Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2010."
(2011) 61.
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, and Ryan H Wiser."Tracking the Sun III The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S. from 1998-2009."
(2010) 54.
Wiser, Ryan H, Galen L Barbose, Carla Peterman, and Naïm R Darghouth."Tracking the Sun II The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S. from 1998-2008."
(2009) 150.
Bolinger, Mark."Property Tax Assessments as a Finance Vehicle for Residential PV Installations: Opportunities and Potential Limitations."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2008) 10.
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H Wiser, and Edwin Ing."Exploring the Economic Value of EPAct 2005’s PV Tax Credits."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2007) 10.
Wiser, Ryan H, Andrew D Mills, Galen L Barbose, and William H Golove."The Impact of Retail Rate Structures on the Economics of Commercial Photovoltaic Systems in California."
(2007) 97.
Barbose, Galen L, Ryan H Wiser, and Mark Bolinger."Encouraging PV Adoption in New Market-Rate Residential Construction: A Critical Review of Program Experiences to Date."
(2006) 7.
Barbose, Galen L, Ryan H Wiser, and Mark Bolinger."Supporting Photovoltaics in Market-Rate Residential New Construction: A Summary of Programmatic Experience to Date and Lessons Learned."
(2006) 30.
Goldman, Charles A, Nicole C Hopper, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Bernard Neenan, Richard Boisvert, Peter Cappers, Donna Pratt, and Kim Butkins."Customer Strategies for Responding to Day-Ahead Market Hourly Electricity Pricing."
(2005) 107.
Fitzgerald, Garrett, Ryan H Wiser, Mark Bolinger, and Allison Schumacher."Northern Exposure: An Overview of Canadian Clean Energy Funds."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2004) 13.
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H Wiser."PV (and Small Wind) Pricing Programs that Link Supply with Demand."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2002) 6.