Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Pereira, Guillermo, Jeff Deason, and Anthony Sandonato."Unlocking load growth at the grid edge: Practices for managing, recovering, and allocating distribution system investments."
Biewald, Bruce, Devi Glick, Shelley Kwok, Kenji Takahashi, Juan Pablo Carvallo, and Lisa C Schwartz."Best Practices in Integrated Resource Planning: A guide for planners developing the electricity resource mix of the future."
Kahrl, Fredrich, Jennie Jorgenson, James Hyungkwan Kim, Lawryn Kiboma, Dev Millstein, Natalie Mims Frick, and Brian Sergi."Solar and Wind Forecast Error Reserve Sharing in a Multi-Utility Region."
Abhyankar, Nikit, Priyanka Mohanty, Shruti M Deorah, Nihan Karali, Umed Paliwal, Jessica Kersey, and Amol A Phadke."India’s path towards energy independence and a clean future: Harnessing India's renewable edge for cost-effective energy independence by 2047."The Electricity Journal
36.5 (2023). DOI
Pastor, Angela Ortega, Ashley Books, Naïm R Darghouth, and Dan Gaspar."COP28 Outcomes Report."
Schwartz, Lisa C."State Approaches for Distribution System Planning, including Grid Modernization."
Millstein, Dev, Ryan H Wiser, Seongeun Jeong, and Julie Mulvaney Kemp."The Latest Market Data Show that the Potential Savings of New Electric Transmission was Higher Last Year than at Any Point in the Last Decade."
Murthy, Samanvitha, Brian F Gerke, Sarah Josephine Smith, Aditya Khandekar, Cong Zhang, Richard E Brown, and Mary Ann Piette."A multi-level load shape clustering and disaggregation approach to characterize patterns of energy consumption behavior."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Millstein, Dev, Ryan H Wiser, Will Gorman, Seongeun Jeong, James Hyungkwan Kim, and Amos Ancell."Empirical Estimates of Transmission Value using Locational Marginal Prices."
Liu, Zhu, Zhu Deng, Gang He, Hailin Wang, Xiang Zhang, Jiang Lin, Ye Qi, and Xi Liang."Challenges and opportunities for carbon neutrality in China."Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
3 (2021) 141-155.
Seel, Joachim, and Andrew D Mills."Integrating Cambium Marginal Costs into Electric Sector Decisions: Opportunities to Integrate Cambium Marginal Cost Data into Berkeley Lab Analysis and Technical Assistance."
Kahrl, Fredrich, Jiang Lin, Xu Liu, and Junfeng Hu."Sunsetting coal power in China."iScience
24.9 (2021) 102939. DOI
Abhyankar, Nikit, Priyanka Mohanty, and Amol A Phadke."Illustrative Strategies for the United States to Achieve 50% Emissions Reduction by 2030."
Woolf, Tim, Ben Havumaki, Divita Bhandari, Melissa Whited, and Lisa C Schwartz."Benefit-Cost Analysis for Utility-Facing Grid Modernization Investments: Trends, Challenges, and Considerations."
Phadke, Amol A, Nikit Abhyankar, Ranjit Deshmukh, Julia Szinai, and Anand R Gopal."Cost-effective decarbonization of California’s power sector by 2030 with the aid of battery storage."
."Assessment of Historical Transmission Congestion in the Eastern Interconnection for 2015 (v2.0)."
Gagnon, Pieter, Galen L Barbose, Brady Stoll, Ali Ehlen, Jarett Zuboy, Trieu Mai, and Andrew D Mills."Estimating the Value of Improved Distributed Photovoltaic Adoption Forecasts for Utility Resource Planning."
Schwartz, Lisa C."Overview of Integrated Distribution Planning Concepts and State Activity."
Bolinger, Mark."Using Probability of Exceedance to Compare the Resource Risk of Renewable and Gas-Fired Generation."
Jin, Ling, C Anna Spurlock, Sam Borgeson, Daniel Fredman, Liesel Hans, Siddharth Patel, and Annika Todd-Blick."Load Shape Clustering Using Residential Smart Meter Data: a Technical Memorandum."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Peter H Larsen, Alan H Sanstad, and Charles A Goldman."Load Forecasting in Electric Utility Integrated Resource Planning."
Eto, Joseph H."Building Electric Transmission Lines: A Review of Recent Regional Transmission Plans."
."Assessment of Historical Transmission Schedules and Flows in the Eastern Interconnection, v1.0."
Sanstad, Alan H, Stuart McMenamin, Andy Sukenik, Galen L Barbose, and Charles A Goldman."Modeling an aggressive energy-efficiency scenario in long-range load forecasting for electric power transmission planning."Applied Energy
128 (2014) 265-275. DOI
Barbose, Galen L, Alan H Sanstad, Charles A Goldman, Stuart McMenamin, and Andy Sukenik."Incorporating Energy Efficiency into Western Interconnection Transmission Planning."
Satchwell, Andrew, Galen L Barbose, Charles A Goldman, Ryan Hledik, and Ahmed Faruqui."Incorporating Demand Response into Western Interconnection Transmission Planning."
Mills, Andrew D, Ryan H Wiser, and Kevin Porter."The Cost of Transmission for Wind Energy: A Review of Transmission Planning Studies."
(2009) 66.
Hopper, Nicole C, Galen L Barbose, Charles A Goldman, and Jeff Schlegel."Energy Efficiency as a Preferred Resource: Evidence from Utility Resource Plans in the Western United States and Canada."Energy Efficiency Journal
Volume 2, Number 1 (2008) 24. DOI
Bressand, Florian, Nan Zhou, and Jiang Lin."al Energy use in commercial building in China: Current situation and future scenarios."2007 ECEEE Summer Study Proceedings
Zhou, Nan, Michael A McNeil, David Fridley, Jiang Lin, Lynn K Price, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Jayant A Sathaye, and Mark D Levine."Energy Use in China: Sectoral Trends and Future Outlook."
Lin, Jiang, Nan Zhou, Mark D Levine, and David Fridley."Taking out One Billion Tons of CO2: The Magic of China’s 11th Five Year Plan?."
Eto, Joseph H."Maintain, Enhance, and Improve Reliability of California’s Electric System under Restructuring."
Lin, Jiang, Nan Zhou, Mark D Levine, and David Fridley."Achieving China’s Target for Energy Intensity Reduction in 2010: An exploration of recent trends and possible future scenarios."
Siddiqui, Afzal S, and Chris Marnay."Addressing an Uncertain Future Using Scenario Analysis."
(2006) 24.
Sinton, Jonathan E, Rachel E Stem, Nathaniel T Aden, Mark D Levine, Tyler J Dillavou, David Fridley, Yu Joe Huang, Joanna I Lewis, Jiang Lin, Aimee T McKane, Lynn K Price, Ryan H Wiser, Nan Zhou, and Jean Y Ku."Evaluation of China's Energy Strategy Options."
Eto, Joseph H, Bernard Lesieutre, and Douglas R Hale."A Review of Recent RTO Benefit-Cost Studies: Toward More Comprehensive Assessments of FERC Electricity Restructuring Policies."
(2005) 61.
Cohen, Jesse, Jennifer L Edwards, and Chris Marnay."U.S. Regional Energy Demand Forecasts Using NEMS and GIS."
(2005) 96.
Gumerman, Etan, and Chris Marnay."Scenarios for Benefits Analysis of Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment."
(2005) 49.
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H Wiser."Balancing Cost and Risk: The Treatment of Renewable Energy in Western Utility Resource Plans."
(2005) 100.
Brockett, Debbie, David Fridley, Jieming Lin, and Jiang Lin."A Tale of Five Cities: The China Residential Energy Consumption Survey."ACEEE Summary Study
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H Wiser, and William H Golove."Accounting for Fuel Price Risk When Comparing Renewable to Gas-Fired Generation: The Role of Forward Natural Gas Prices."
(2004) 28.
Siddiqui, Afzal S, Emily S Bartholomew, Chris Marnay, and Shmuel S Oren."On the Efficiency of the New York Independent System Operator Market for Transmission Congestion Contracts."
(2003) 45.
Bachrach, Devra, Ryan H Wiser, Mark Bolinger, and William H Golove."Comparing the Risk Profiles of Renewable and Natural Gas Electricity Contracts: A Summary of the California Department of Water Resources Contracts."
(2003) 108.
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H Wiser, and William H Golove."Accounting for Fuel Price Risk: Using Forward Natural Gas Prices Instead of Gas Price Forecasts to Compare Renewable to Natural Gas-Fired Generation."
(2003) 89.
Eto, Joseph H, Fernando L Alvarado, Jeffery E Dagle, John F Hauer, Steven E Widergren, George Gross, Thomas J Overbye, Eric Hirst, Brendan J Kirby, David H Meyer, Shmuel S Oren, and Richard Sedano."National Transmission Grid Study (2002)."
Marnay, Chris, Diane C Fisher, Scott Murtishaw, Amol A Phadke, Lynn K Price, and Jayant A Sathaye."Estimating carbon dioxide emissions factors for the California electric power sector."In the Proceedings of the 2002 ACEEE's Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
33 (2002).
Gumerman, Etan, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and Chris Marnay."New Method and Reporting of Uncertainty in LBNL National Energy Modeling System Runs."
(2002) 29.
Goldman, Charles A, Grayson C Heffner, and Galen L Barbose."Customer Load Participation in Wholesale Markets: Summer 2001 Results, Lessons Learned and “Best Practices”."
(2002) 19.
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H Wiser, and William H Golove."Revisiting the “Buy versus Build” Decision for Publicly Owned Utilities in California Considering Wind and Geothermal Resources."
(2001) 25.
Eto, Joseph H, and Mithra M Moezzi."Metered Residential Cooling Loads: Comparison of Three Models."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
12.2 (1997). DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Joseph H Eto, Steven J Konopacki, Asim Afzal, Kristin E Heinemeier, and Leo I Rainer."A New Approach to Estimate Commercial Sector End-Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
1994 (1994).
Eto, Joseph H, and Mithra M Moezzi."Analysis of PG&E's Residential End-Use Metered Data to Improve Electricity Demand Forecasts - Final Report."
(1993) 150.
Koomey, Jonathan G, Celina S Atkinson, Alan K Meier, James E McMahon, Stan Boghosian, Barbara A Atkinson, Isaac Turiel, Mark D Levine, Bruce Nordman, and Peter T Chan."The Potential for Electricity Efficiency Improvements in the U.S. Residential Sector."
Goldman, Charles A, and Mary Ellen Hopkins."Survey and Analysis of State Regulatory Activities on Least Cost Planning for Gas Utilities."
(1991) 194.
Hirst, Eric, Charles A Goldman, and Mary Ellen Hopkins."Integrated resource planning - Electric and gas utilities in the USA."Utilities Policy
1.2 (1991) 16. DOI
Hirst, Eric, Martin Schweitzer, Evelin Yourstone, and Joseph H Eto."Assessing Integrated Resource Plans Prepared by Electric Utilities."
Goldman, Charles A, and Edward P Kahn."Comparative Assessment of the Demand-Side Management Plans of Four New York Utilities."Energy
14.10 (1989) 14. DOI
McMahon, James E, Joseph H Eto, Peter T Chan, Jonathan G Koomey, Mark D Levine, Chris Pignone, Henry Ruderman, Baruch Lev, J A Bloom, A.S Gleit, F.H Murphy, and C Shoemaker."The LBL Residential Energy and Hourly Demand Models."Strategic Planning in Energy and Natural Resources