Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
X Term: Energy Planning and Procurement
Murphy, Sean, Lisa C Schwartz, Guillermo Pereira, and Cody Davis."Bridging the Gap on Data and Analysis for Distribution System Planning: Information That Utilities Can Provide Regulators, State Energy Offices and Other Stakeholders."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Natalie Mims Frick, Grace Relf, Ted Light, Josh A Schellenberg, and Alan H Sanstad."Clean Air as a Bonus for Achieving Energy-Related State Goals: A Review of Policies and Programs in 15 States."
De Martini, Paul, Lisa C Schwartz, and Jason Ball."Economic Evaluation of Modernization Expenditures for Electric Utility Distribution Systems: A Guide for Utility Regulators."
Schellenberg, Josh A, and Natalie Mims Frick."Moving Beyond Direct Load Control: A Maturity Model for Realizing the Promise of Demand Flexibility."
LeBel, Mark, Ronny Sandoval, Natalie Mims Frick, and Jeff Deason."Opportunities for Integrating Electric and Gas Planning."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Angela Long, Grace Relf, and Anthony Sandonato."Reimagining Energy Efficiency Resource Standards."
Forrester, Sydney, Ryan Hledik, Adam Bigelow, Natalie Mims Frick, and Kala Viswanathan."State regulatory opportunities to advance distributed energy resources aggregations in wholesale markets."
Pereira, Guillermo, Jeff Deason, and Anthony Sandonato."Unlocking load growth at the grid edge: Practices for managing, recovering, and allocating distribution system investments."
Long, Angela, Ryan Long, and Natalie Mims Frick."Virtual Power Plants: Insights, Profiles and Inventory."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Natalie Mims Frick, Margot Everett, Chris Lawrie, Cody Davis, Nancy Ryan, Andrew Satchwell, and Grace Relf."Integrated Distribution System Planning 2.0: Planning for Electrification and Distributed Energy Resources."
Shipley, Jessica, Jay Barlow, and Grace Relf."Review of Literature and Utility Commission Proceedings Relevant to Integrated System Planning: Annotated Bibliography Prepared to Support the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Natalie Mims Frick, Sean Murphy, Guillermo Pereira, Jessica Shipley, and Josh A Schellenberg."State Requirements for Electric Distribution System Planning."
Biewald, Bruce, Devi Glick, Shelley Kwok, Kenji Takahashi, Juan Pablo Carvallo, and Lisa C Schwartz."Best Practices in Integrated Resource Planning: A guide for planners developing the electricity resource mix of the future."
Kahrl, Fredrich, Jennie Jorgenson, James Hyungkwan Kim, Lawryn Kiboma, Dev Millstein, Natalie Mims Frick, and Brian Sergi."Solar and Wind Forecast Error Reserve Sharing in a Multi-Utility Region."
Relf, Grace, Peter Cappers, Ronny Sandoval, and Myles T Collins."Clean Energy Innovator Fellows Training: Electricity Regulation Basics."
Schellenberg, Josh A, and Lisa C Schwartz."Grid Resilience Plans: State Requirements, Utility Practices, and Utility Plan Template."
Davis, Cody, and Lisa C Schwartz."Sizing Electric Service Panels and Utility Infrastructure for Residential Electrification and Distributed Energy Resources Adoption."
Millstein, Dev, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Will Gorman, and Ryan H Wiser."Transmission value in 2023: Market data shows the value of transmission remained high in certain locations despite overall low wholesale electricity prices."
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Dev Millstein, and Joachim Seel."Grid Value and Cost of Utility-Scale Wind and Solar: Potential Implications for Consumer Electricity Bills."
Price, Snuller."Benefit-Cost Analysis for Grid Modernization Investments: Key Elements and Jurisdictional Survey."
Yang, Haozhe, Qian Luo, Gang He, Jiang Lin, Jeremiah X Johnson, Fernando Garcia-Menendez, Olivier Deschenes, Ana Mileva, and Ranjit Deshmukh."Regional disparities in health and employment outcomes of China's transition to a low-carbon electricity system."Environmental Research: Energy
1 (2024). DOI
Frick, Natalie Mims, Lisa C Schwartz, Julieta Giraldez, Cody Davis, Samir Succar, Ronny Sandoval, Gayathri Krishnamoothy, Tom Wall, Josh A Schellenberg, Peter H Larsen, and Neil Weisenfeld."Regional Training: Planning for Distribution Systems, Distributed Energy Resources, and Resilience."