Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Pereira, Guillermo, Jeff Deason, and Anthony Sandonato."Unlocking load growth at the grid edge: Practices for managing, recovering, and allocating distribution system investments."
Abhyankar, Nikit, Priyanka Mohanty, Shruti M Deorah, Nihan Karali, Umed Paliwal, Jessica Kersey, and Amol A Phadke."India’s path towards energy independence and a clean future: Harnessing India's renewable edge for cost-effective energy independence by 2047."The Electricity Journal
36.5 (2023). DOI
Millstein, Dev, Ryan H Wiser, Seongeun Jeong, and Julie Mulvaney Kemp."The Latest Market Data Show that the Potential Savings of New Electric Transmission was Higher Last Year than at Any Point in the Last Decade."
Millstein, Dev, Ryan H Wiser, Will Gorman, Seongeun Jeong, James Hyungkwan Kim, and Amos Ancell."Empirical Estimates of Transmission Value using Locational Marginal Prices."
Burton, Robin, Murali Baggu, Jill Rhodes, Nate Blair, Tom Harris, Manajit Sengupta, Clayton Barrows, Haiku Sky, Jaemo Yang, James Elsworth, Paritosh Das, Patrick Duffy, Gabriel Zuckerman, Jeremy Stefek, Prateek Joshi, Lawrence Paul Lewis, John Murphy, Peter Cappers, Jeff Deason, Margaret Pigman, Yilu Liu, Bandana Kar, Shih-Chieh Kao, Marcelo Elizondo, Xiaoyuan Fan, Patrick Maloney, Vishvas Chalishazar, Patrick Royer, Fernando BeretaDos Reis, Amanda Wachtel, Matthew Lave, Olga Epshtein Hart, Christian Birk Jones, James Ellison, Cody Newlun, Michele Chait, Harvey Cutler, and Martin Shields."Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100): Six-Month Progress Update."
Advocates, National Association of State Utility Consumer, Kevin Lee, Adam Cooper, Anne Hoskins, Christopher M Worley, Keyle Horton, Kristin Barbato, Barbara Kates-Garnick, Max McCafferty, and Lisa C Schwartz."The Role of Innovation in the Electric Utility Sector."Future Electric Utility Regulation Series
FEUR Report No. 13 (2022).
Mills, Andrew D, Joachim Seel, Dev Millstein, James Hyungkwan Kim, Seongeun Jeong, Cody Warner, and Will Gorman."Solar-to-Grid: Trends in System Impacts, Reliability, and Market Value in the United States with Data Through 2020."
Cappers, Peter, Sydney Forrester, and Andrew Satchwell."Disaggregating Future Retail Electricity Rate Growth."
Cappers, Peter, Andrew Satchwell, Max Dupuy, and Carl Linvill."The Distribution of U.S. Electric Utility Revenue Decoupling Rate Impacts from 2005 to 2017."
Mills, Andrew D, Joachim Seel, Dev Millstein, James Hyungkwan Kim, Mark Bolinger, Will Gorman, Yuhan Wang, Seongeun Jeong, and Ryan H Wiser."Solar-to-Grid: Trends in System Impacts, Reliability, and Market Value in the United States with Data Through 2019."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, Jarett Zuboy, Pieter Gagnon, Andrew D Mills, and Lori Bird."Demand charge savings from solar PV and energy storage."Energy Policy
146 (2020). DOI
Cappers, Peter, and C Anna Spurlock."A Handbook for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Successful Electric Utility Pilots."
Seel, Joachim, Andrew D Mills, Cody Warner, Bentham Paulos, and Ryan H Wiser."Impacts of High Variable Renewable Energy Futures on Electric-Sector Decision Making: Demand-Side Effects."
Tongsopit, Sopitsuda, Owen R Zinaman, and Naïm R Darghouth."Understanding the Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Adoption on Utility Revenues and Retail Electricity Tariffs in Thailand."
Lowry, Mark Newton, Matthew Makos, Jeff Deason, and Lisa C Schwartz."State Performance-Based Regulation Using Multiyear Rate Plans for U.S. Electric Utilities."
Kihm, Steve, Janice Beecher, Ronald Lehr, and Lisa C Schwartz."Regulatory Incentives and Disincentives for Utility Investments in Grid Modernization."Future Electric Utility Regulation Report Series
FEUR Report No. 8 (2017).
Wood, Lisa, Ross Hemphill, John Howat, Ralph Cavanagh, Severin Borenstein, Jeff Deason, Lisa C Schwartz, and Lisa C Schwartz."Recovery of Utility Fixed Costs: Utility, Consumer, Environmental and Economist Perspectives."Future Electric Utility Regulation Report Series
FEUR Report No. 5 (2016).
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, Lisa C Schwartz, and Emily Martin Fadrhonc."A Framework for Organizing Current and Future Electric Utility Regulatory and Business Models."
Satchwell, Andrew, Andrew D Mills, Galen L Barbose, Ryan H Wiser, Peter Cappers, and Naïm R Darghouth."Financial Impacts of Net-Metered PV on Utilities and Ratepayers: A Scoping Study of Two Prototypical U.S. Utilities."
Eto, Joseph H."Maintain, Enhance, and Improve Reliability of California’s Electric System under Restructuring."
Hopper, Nicole C, Charles A Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."Demand Response from Day-Ahead Hourly Pricing for Large Customers."
(2006) 19.
Eto, Joseph H, Bernard Lesieutre, and Douglas R Hale."A Review of Recent RTO Benefit-Cost Studies: Toward More Comprehensive Assessments of FERC Electricity Restructuring Policies."
(2005) 61.
Barbose, Galen L, Charles A Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Nicole C Hopper, Michael K Ting, and Bernard Neenan."Real Time Pricing as a Default or Optional Service for C&I Customers: A Comparative Analysis of Eight Case Studies."
(2005) 106.
Barbose, Galen L, Charles A Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing."
(2004) 127.
Siddiqui, Afzal S, Emily S Bartholomew, Chris Marnay, and Shmuel S Oren."On the Efficiency of the New York Independent System Operator Market for Transmission Congestion Contracts."
(2003) 45.