Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Seel, Joachim, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."An Analysis of Residential PV System Price Differences Between the United States and Germany."39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
(2013). DOI
Schewel, Laura, Anand R Gopal, and Amol A Phadke."Mobility Towers: Improving transportation efficiency measures by persistent evaluation of city-wide travel behavior."ECEEE 2013 Summer Study
Todd-Blick, Annika, Peter Cappers, and Charles A Goldman."Residential Customer Enrollment in Time-based Rate and Enabling Technology Programs: Smart Grid Investment Grant Consumer Behavior Study Analysis."
Cappers, Peter, Annika Todd-Blick, and Charles A Goldman."Summary of Utility Studies: Smart Grid Investment Grant Consumer Behavior Study Analysis."
Gopal, Anand R, Greg Leventis, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Nihar Shah, and Amol A Phadke."Trading Appliance Efficiency for Electricity Subsidies: The Potential in Emerging Economies."ECEEE 2013 Summer Study
Abhyankar, Nikit, Amol A Phadke, Jayant A Sathaye, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Alissa K Johnson, Ranjit Deshmukh, Cathie Murray, Bob Lieberman, and Ajith Raoc."Modeling Clean and Secure Energy Scenarios for the Indian Power Sector in 2030."
Gopal, Anand R, Laura Schewel, Samveg Saxena, and Amol A Phadke."The Transportation Leapfrog: Using Smart Phones to Collect Driving Data and Model Fuel Economy in India."
Seel, Joachim, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."An Analysis of Residential PV System Price Differences Between the United States and Germany."American Solar Energy Society Annual Meeting
Hoffman, Ian M, Mark Zimring, and Steven R Schiller."Assessing Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Programs in a Low-Price Environment."
Sathaye, Jayant A, Larry L Dale, Peter H Larsen, Gary A Fitts, Kevin Koy, Sarah M Lewis, and André Frossard Pereira de Lucena."Estimating impacts of warming temperatures on California's electricity system."Global Environmental Change
23.2 (2013) 499-511. DOI
Borgeson, Merrian, and Mark Zimring."Financing Energy Upgrades for K-12 School Districts: A Guide to Tapping into Funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements."
Hoffman, Ian M, Merrian Borgeson, and Mark Zimring."Implications of Cost Effectiveness Screening Practices in a Low Natural Gas Price Environment: Case Study of a Midwestern Residential Energy Upgrade Program."
Deshmukh, Ranjit, Juan Pablo Carvallo, and Ashwin Gambhir."Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy Mini-grids for Energy Access: A Framework for Policy Design."
Wiser, Ryan H, and Changgui Dong."The Impact of City-level Permitting Processes on Residential Photovoltaic Installation Prices and Development Times: An Empirical Analysis of Solar Systems in California Cities."
Dong, Changgui, and Ryan H Wiser."The Impact of City-Level Permitting Processes on Residential PV Installation Prices and Development Times."American Solar Energy Society Annual Meeting
Goldman, Charles A, Andrew Satchwell, Peter Cappers, and Ian M Hoffman."Utility Business Models in a Low Load Growth/High DG Future: Gazing into the Crystal Ball?."
Mills, Andrew D, and Ryan H Wiser."Changes in the Economic Value of Variable Generation at High Penetration Levels: A Pilot Case Study of California."18th Annual POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy
Cappers, Peter, Jason S MacDonald, and Charles A Goldman."Market and Policy Barriers for Demand Response Providing Ancillary Services in U.S. Markets."
Bolinger, Mark."Revisiting the Long-Term Hedge Value of Wind Power in an Era of Low Natural Gas Prices."
Woolf, Tim, Erin Malone, Lisa C Schwartz, and John Shenot."A Framework for Evaluating the Cost-effectiveness of Demand Response."
Satchwell, Andrew, Charles A Goldman, Hossein Haeri, and Mark Lesiw."An Assessment of Analytical Capabilities, Services and Tools for Demand Response."
Delurey, Dan, and Judith Schwartz."Demand Response Program Design and Implementation Case Study Interviews."
Goldberg, Miriam L, and G. G Kennedy Agnew."Measurement and Verification for Demand Response."
Seel, Joachim, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."Why Are Residential PV Prices in Germany So Much Lower Than in the United States? A Scoping Analysis."
Leibowicz, Benjamin, Maria Roumpani, and Peter H Larsen."Carbon Emissions Caps and the Impact of a Radical Change in Nuclear Electricity Costs."International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
3.1 (2013).