Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
X Author: Andrew Satchwell
Schwartz, Lisa C, Natalie Mims Frick, Chris Lawrie, Cody Davis, Grace Relf, Andrew Satchwell, and Nancy Ryan."Training for States on Integrated Distribution System Planning: Planning for Load Growth and Local Resources."
Murphy, Sean, Natalie Mims Frick, and Andrew Satchwell."Distribution Planning for Load Growth: Buildings."
Satchwell, Andrew, Natalie Mims Frick, Peter Cappers, Sanem Sergici, Ryan Hledik, Goksin Kavlak, and Glenda Oskar."Electricity Rate Designs for Large Loads: Evolving Practices and Opportunities."
Satchwell, Andrew, Elaine Hale, Christina E Simeone, and Samanvitha Murthy."Research Needs and New Capabilities for Retail Electricity Rate Analysis."
Hledik, Ryan, Akhilesh Ramakrishnan, Serena Patel, and Andrew Satchwell."Distributed Energy, Utility Scale: 30 Proven Strategies to Increase VPP Enrollment."
Ryan, Nancy, and Andrew Satchwell."Energy Innovator Fellows Training: Transportation Electrification."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Natalie Mims Frick, Margot Everett, Chris Lawrie, Cody Davis, Nancy Ryan, Andrew Satchwell, and Grace Relf."Integrated Distribution System Planning 2.0: Planning for Electrification and Distributed Energy Resources."
Forrester, Sydney, Andrew Satchwell, Galen L Barbose, Evan Cappers, Cesca Miller, and Andrew Alberg."Retail Electricity Price and Cost Trends: 2024 Update."
Miller, Cesca, Andrew Satchwell, and Jenya Kahn-Lang."The Customer Bill Impacts of Efficient Building Electrification."2024 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Kahn-Lang, Jenya, Cesca Miller, Andrew Satchwell, and Elaina Present."Building efficiency, electrification, and distributed solar PV bill savings under time-based retail rate designs."
Ball, Jason, Sydney Forrester, Alexandra Grayson, and Andrew Satchwell."Electric Vehicle Program Designs and Strategies to Enhance Equitable Deployment."
Langevin, Jared, Aven Satre-Meloy, Andrew Satchwell, Ryan Hledik, Julia Olszewski, Kate Peters, and Handi Chandra-Putra."Demand-side solutions in the U.S. building sector could achieve deep emissions reductions and avoid over $100 billion in power sector costs."One Earth
6.8 (2023) 1005-2031. DOI
Forrester, Sydney, and Andrew Satchwell."Developing an Equity Framework for State Regulatory Decision-Making."
Simeone, Christina E, Pieter Gagnon, Peter Cappers, and Andrew Satchwell."The Bill Alignment Test: Identifying Trade-Offs With Residential Rate Design Options."Utilities Policy
82 (2023). DOI
Cappers, Peter, Andrew Satchwell, Cameron Brooks, and Sam Kozel."A Snapshot of EV-Specific Rate Designs Among U.S. Investor-Owned Electric Utilities."
Hanus, Nichole L, Jay Barlow, Andrew Satchwell, and Peter Cappers."Assessing the Current State of U.S. Energy Equity Regulation and Legislation."
Satchwell, Andrew, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Peter Cappers, James Milford, and Hadi Eshraghi."Quantifying the Financial Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Utility Ratepayers and Shareholders."
Cappers, Peter, and Andrew Satchwell."EVGrid Assist Webinar: Electric Vehicle Rates and Incentives."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Andrew Satchwell, and Miguel Heleno."Quantifying Locational Net Benefits of DER for Distribution Systems."
Li, Rongling, Andrew Satchwell, Donal Finn, Toke Haunstrup Christensen, Michael Kummert, Jérôme Le Dréau, Rui Amaral Lopes, Henrick Madsen, Jaume Salom, Gregor P Henze, and Kim Wittchen."Ten Questions Concerning Energy Flexibility In Buildings."Building and Environment
223 (2022). DOI
Satchwell, Andrew, Brady Cowiestoll, Elaine Hale, Brian F Gerke, Paige Jadun, Cong Zhang, and Samanvitha Murthy."Assessing the Interactive Impacts of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response on Power System Costs and Emissions."
Satchwell, Andrew, and Ryan Hledik."Making Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings a “Win” for Both Customers and Utilities."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Satchwell, Andrew, Ryan Hledik, Oleksandr Kuzura, Oluwatobi Adekanye, and Chioke B Harris."Valuing Residential Energy Efficiency: Analysis for a Prototypical Southeastern Utility."
Gerke, Brian F, Cong Zhang, Samanvitha Murthy, Andrew Satchwell, Elaina Present, Henry Horsey, Eric Wilson, Andrew Parker, Andrew Speake, Rajendra Adhikari, and Mary Ann Piette."Load-driven interactions between energy efficiency and demand response on regional grid scales."Advances in Applied Energy
6 (2022). DOI