Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Barmack, Matthew, Edward P Kahn, Susan Tierney, and Charles A Goldman."Econometric models of power prices: An approach to market monitoring in the Western US."Utilities Policy
16.4 (2008) 307-320. DOI
Barmack, Matthew, Edward P Kahn, Susan Tierney, and Charles A Goldman."A Regional Approach to Market Monitoring in the West."
(2006) 85.
Kahn, Edward P, Steven Stoft, and Timothy N Belden."Impact of Power Purchases from Nonutilities on the Utility Cost of Capital."
(1994) 50.
Goldman, Charles A, John F Busch, and Edward P Kahn."At the Electricity Resource Bazaar: Lessons from Case Studies of Integrated Bidding in New York."Energy Studies Review
Vol. 6.No. 2 (1994) 18. DOI
Baldick, Ross, and Edward P Kahn."Network Costs and the Regulation of Wholesale Competition in Electric Power."
(1993) 46.
Goldman, Charles A, John F Busch, Edward P Kahn, Ross Baldick, and Adele Milne."Review of Consolidated Edison's Integrated Resource Bidding Program."
(1993) 98.
Baldick, Ross, and Edward P Kahn."Transmission Planning in the Era of Integrated Resource Planning: A Survey of Recent Cases."
(1992) 173.
Goldman, Charles A, John F Busch, Edward P Kahn, Steven Stoft, and Samuel D Cohen."Review of Integrated Resource Bidding at Niagara Mohawk."
(1992) 149.
Kahn, Edward P, and Charles A Goldman."The Role of Competitive Forces in Integrated Resource Planning."
(1991) 49.
Kahn, Edward P, Michael H Rothkopf, Joseph H Eto, and Jean-Michel Nataf."Auctions for PURPA Purchases: A Simulation Study."Journal of Regulatory Economics
2.2 (1990). DOI
Goldman, Charles A, and Edward P Kahn."Competitive Bidding for Electric Power: Comparing Evaluation Methods."
(1989) 23.
Kahn, Edward P, Charles A Goldman, Steven Stoft, and Douglas Berman."Evaluation Methods in Competitive Bidding for Electric Power."
(1989) 57.
Kahn, Edward P, Charles A Goldman, Steven Stoft, and Douglas Berman."Evaluation Methods in Competitive Bidding Volume 2: Technical Appendix."
(1989) 65.
Goldman, Charles A, and Edward P Kahn."Comparative Assessment of the Demand-Side Management Plans of Four New York Utilities."Energy
14.10 (1989) 14. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand-Side Programs."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
3.4 (1988) 7. DOI
Rothkopf, Michael H, Edward P Kahn, Thomas J Teisberg, Joseph H Eto, and Jean-Michel Nataf."Designing PURPA Power Purchase Auctions: Theory and Practice."
Kahn, Edward P, Chris Pignone, Joseph H Eto, James E McMahon, and Mark D Levine."The Effect of Conservation Programmes on Electric Utility Earnings: Results of Two Case Studies."Energy Policy
June.3 (1987) 249-261. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand‑side Programs: A Case Study of the Texas Utilities Electric Company."National Conference on Utility DSM Programs, Houston, Texas
Kahn, Edward P, Joseph H Eto, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Mark D Levine."Valuation of Demand-side Utility Programs."1986 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Pignone, Chris, Joseph H Eto, and Edward P Kahn."Corporate Planning Models as Least‑Cost Utility Planning Tools."
Kahn, Edward P, Chris Pignone, Joseph H Eto, James E McMahon, and Mark D Levine."Regulatory Factors Affecting the Financial Impact of Conservation Programs on Utilities."American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Summer Study in Energy Efficient Buildings, August 1984