Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
X Author: Jiang Lin
Zhou, Nan, Hongyou Lu, Nina Khanna, Xu Liu, David Fridley, Lynn K Price, Wei Feng, Jiang Lin, Carolyn Szum, and Chao Ding."China Energy Outlook: Understanding China’s Energy and Emissions Trends."
Karali, Nihan, Chao Ding, Won Young Park, Nihar Shah, and Jiang Lin."Energy-Efficiency Improvement Potential of Multi-split Air Conditioning Systems in China."
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Froylan Sifuentes, Xu Liu, Nikit Abhyankar, and Amol A Phadke."Rapid cost decrease of renewable energy and storage offers an opportunity to accelerate the decarbonization of China’s power system."
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Froylan Sifuentes, Xu Liu, Nikit Abhyankar, and Amol A Phadke."Rapid cost decrease of renewable energy and storage offers an opportunity to accelerate the decarbonization of China’s power system."
O'Neill, Nicholas F, James Minh Ma, David Charles Walther, Lance R Brockway, Chao Ding, and Jiang Lin."A modified total equivalent warming impact analysis: Addressing direct and indirect emissions due to corrosion."Science of The Total Environment
741 (2020) 140312. DOI
Phadke, Amol A, Nihar Shah, Jiang Lin, Won Young Park, Yongsheng Zhang, Durwood Zaelke, Chao Ding, and Nihan Karali."Chinese policy leadership would cool global air conditioning impacts: Looking East."Energy Research & Social Science
66 (2020) 101570. DOI
Abhyankar, Nikit, Jiang Lin, Xu Liu, and Froylan Sifuentes."Economic and environmental benefits of market-based power-system reform in China: A case study of the Southern grid system."Resources, Conservation and Recycling
153 (2020) 104558. DOI
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Ying Zhang, Wenhua Zhang, Guilherme Larangeira, Chao Zhang, Wei Peng, Manzhi Liu, and Fuqiang Yang."Enabling a Rapid and Just Transition away from Coal in China."One Earth
3.2 (2020) 187 - 194. DOI
Karali, Nihan, Nihar Shah, Won Young Park, Nina Khanna, Chao Ding, Jiang Lin, and Nan Zhou."Improving the energy efficiency of room air conditioners in China: Costs and benefits."Applied Energy
258 (2020) 114023. DOI
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Froylan Sifuentes, Xu Liu, Nikit Abhyankar, and Amol A Phadke."Rapid cost decrease of renewables and storage accelerates the decarbonization of China’s power system."Nature Communications
11.1 (2020). DOI
Abhyankar, Nikit, Jiang Lin, Xu Liu, and Froylan Sifuentes."Economic and environmental benefits of market-based power-system reform in China: provincial versus regional grid optimization."
Springer, Cecilia, Sam Evans, Jiang Lin, and David Roland-Holst."Low carbon growth in China: The role of emissions trading in a transitioning economy."Applied Energy
235 (2019). DOI
Lin, Jiang, Fredrich Kahrl, Jiahai Yuan, Xu Liu, and Weirong Zhang."Challenges and strategies for electricity market transition in China."Energy Policy
133 (2019) 110899. DOI
Lin, Jiang, Nina Khanna, Xu Liu, Fei Teng, and Xin Wang."China’s Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Future Trajectories and Mitigation Options and Potential."Scientific Reports
9.1 (2019). DOI
Lin, Jiang, Fredrich Kahrl, Jiahai Yuan, Qixin Chen, and Xu Liu."Economic and carbon emission impacts of electricity market transition in China: A case study of Guangdong Province."Applied Energy
238 (2019) 1093 - 1107. DOI
Liu, Xu, Jiang Lin, Junfeng Hu, Hongyou Lu, and Jiaru Cai."Economic Transition, Technology Change, and Energy Consumption in China: A Provincial-Level Analysis."Energies
12.13 (2019) 2581. DOI
Huang, Hai, David Roland-Holst, Cecilia Springer, Jiang Lin, Wenjia Cai, and Can Wang."Emissions Trading Systems and Social Equity: A CGE Assessment for China."Applied Energy
235 (2019) 1254 - 1265. DOI
Liu, Shiyu, Zhaohong Bie, Jiang Lin, and Xifan Wang."Curtailment of renewable energy in Northwest China and market-based solutions."Energy Policy
123 (2018) 494 - 502. DOI
Lin, Jiang, Fredrich Kahrl, and Xu Liu."A regional analysis of excess capacity in China’s power systems."Resources, Conservation and Recycling
129 (2018). DOI
Lin, Jiang, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Lynn K Price, and Nan Zhou."Near-term trends in China's coal consumption."
Lin, Jiang, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Lynn K Price, and Nan Zhou."Has coal use peaked in China: Near-term trends in China's coal consumption."Energy Policy
123 (2018) 208 - 214. DOI
Wang, Xin, Fei Teng, Jingjing Zhang, Nina Khanna, and Jiang Lin."Challenges to addressing non-CO2 greenhouse gases in China’s long-term climate strategy."Climate Policy
18.8 (2018) 1059 - 1065. DOI
Shen, Qing, Simin Xu, and Jiang Lin."Effects of bus transit-oriented development (BTOD) on single-family property value in Seattle metropolitan area."Urban Studies
(2017). DOI