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X Author: Jonathan G Koomey
Koomey, Jonathan G, Hashem Akbari, Carl Blumstein, Marilyn A Brown, Richard E Brown, Chris Calwell, Sheryl Carter, Ralph Cavanagh, Audrey Chang, David Claridge, Paul P Craig, Richard C Diamond, Joseph H Eto, William Fulkerson, Ashok J Gadgil, Howard S Geller, José Goldemberg, Charles A Goldman, David B Goldstein, Steve E Greenberg, David Hafemeister, Jeffrey P Harris, Hal Harvey, Eric Heitz, Eric Hirst, Holmes Hummel, Daniel M Kammen, Henry Kelly, John A Laitner, Mark D Levine, Amory Lovins, Gil Masters, James E McMahon, Alan K Meier, Michael Messenger, John Millhone, Evan Mills, Steven M Nadel, Bruce Nordman, Lynn K Price, Joseph J Romm, Marc Ross, Michael Rufo, Jayant A Sathaye, Leon J Schipper, Stephen H Schneider, James L Sweeney, Malcolm Verdict, Diana Vorsatz, Devra Wang, Carl Weinberg, Richard Wilk, John Wilson, and Ernst Worrell."Defining a standard metric for electricity savings."Environmental Research Letters
5.1 (2010). DOI
Koomey, Jonathan G, Chris Calwell, John A Laitner, Jane Thornton, Richard E Brown, Joseph H Eto, Carrie A Webber, Cathy Cullicott, Robert H Socolow, Dennis Anderson, and John Harte."Sorry, wrong number: The use and misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media reporting of energy issues."Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 2002
27 (2002) 119-158. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, Bryan Lehman, Nathan C Martin, Evan Mills, Carrie A Webber, and Ernst Worrell."Scoping Study on Trends in the Economic Value of Electricity Reliability to the U.S. Economy."
(2001) 148.
Osborn, Julie G, Frances Wood, R. R Cooper Richey, Sandy Sanders, Walter Short, and Jonathan G Koomey."A Sensitivity Analysis of the Treatment of Wind Energy in the AEO99 Version of NEMS."
(2001) 43.
Piette, Mary Ann, Mike Cramer, Joseph H Eto, and Jonathan G Koomey."Office Technology Energy Use and Savings Potential in New York."
Levine, Mark D, Eric Hirst, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Alan H Sanstad."Energy Efficiency, Market Failures, and Government Policy."
(1994) 42.
Koomey, Jonathan G, Celina S Atkinson, Alan K Meier, James E McMahon, Stan Boghosian, Barbara A Atkinson, Isaac Turiel, Mark D Levine, Bruce Nordman, and Peter T Chan."The Potential for Electricity Efficiency Improvements in the U.S. Residential Sector."
Koomey, Jonathan G."Comparative Analysis of Monetary Estimates of External Environmental Costs Associated with Combustion of Fossil Fuels."
(1990) 42.
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand-Side Programs."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
3.4 (1988) 7. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Winifred Yen-Wood."Statistical Indicators of Potential for Electric Utility Least‑Cost Planning Programs."
Eto, Joseph H, James E McMahon, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Mark D Levine."The Regional Energy and Economic Impacts of the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987."
McMahon, James E, Joseph H Eto, Peter T Chan, Jonathan G Koomey, Mark D Levine, Chris Pignone, Henry Ruderman, Baruch Lev, J A Bloom, A.S Gleit, F.H Murphy, and C Shoemaker."The LBL Residential Energy and Hourly Demand Models."Strategic Planning in Energy and Natural Resources
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand‑side Programs: A Case Study of the Texas Utilities Electric Company."National Conference on Utility DSM Programs, Houston, Texas
Kahn, Edward P, Joseph H Eto, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Mark D Levine."Valuation of Demand-side Utility Programs."1986 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, Chris Pignone, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Thermal Integrity Measures for Residential Buildings: Texas Utilities Electric Company and Nevada Power Company."