Publications By Research Area
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X Author: Lisa C Schwartz
Sutter, Mary, Jenn Mitchell-Jackson, Steven R Schiller, Lisa C Schwartz, and Ian M Hoffman."Applying Non-Energy Impacts from Other Jurisdictions in Cost-Benefit Analyses of Energy Efficiency Programs: Resources for States for Utility Customer-Funded Programs."
Schiller, Steven R, Ian M Hoffman, Sean Murphy, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."Cost of saving natural gas through efficiency programs funded by utility customers: 2012–2017."
Goldman, Charles A, Ian M Hoffman, Sean Murphy, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."The Cost of Saving Electricity: A Multi-Program Cost Curve for Programs Funded by U.S. Utility Customers."Energies
13 (2020). DOI
Goldman, Charles A, Sean Murphy, Ian M Hoffman, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."What does the future hold for utility electricity efficiency programs?."The Electricity Journal
33.4 (2020). DOI
Eckman, Tom, Lisa C Schwartz, and Greg Leventis."Determining Utility System Value of Demand Flexibility From Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings."
Schwartz, Lisa C, and Greg Leventis."Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: An Introduction for State and Local Governments."
De Martini, Paul, Kevin Schneider, Emma M Stewart, Barry Mather, Michael Coddington, Joseph H Eto, Benjamin Sigrin, Natalie Mims Frick, Joe Paladino, Lavelle Freeman, Debra Lew, Fritz Kahrl, and Lisa C Schwartz."Southeast Regional Training on Distribution Systems & Planning."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Ian M Hoffman, Steven R Schiller, Sean Murphy, and Greg Leventis."Cost of Saving Electricity Through Efficiency Programs Funded by Customers of Publicly Owned Utilities: 2012–2017."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Ian M Hoffman, Charles A Goldman, Greg Leventis, Sean Murphy, and Lisa C Schwartz."Peak Demand Impacts From Electricity Efficiency Programs."
Frick, Natalie Mims, and Lisa C Schwartz."Time-Sensitive Value of Efficiency: Use Cases in Electricity Sector Planning and Programs."
Leventis, Greg, and Lisa C Schwartz."Commercial PACE Financing and the Special Assessment Process: Understanding Roles and Managing Risks for Local Governments."
Bird, Lori, Priya Barua, Heidi Bishop Ratz, Celina Bonugli, Steve Chriss, and Lisa C Schwartz."Renewable Energy Options for Large Utility Customers."
Elliot, Randolph, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Organization of MISO States, Scott Aaronson, Edison Electric Institute, National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates, and Lisa C Schwartz."Utility Investments in Resilience of Electricity Systems."Future Electric Utility Regulation Report Series
FEUR Report No. 11 (2019).
Schwartz, Lisa C, and Natalie Mims Frick."Evolving Approaches to Electricity System Planning."
Schneider, Kevin, Emma M Stewart, Barry Mather, Kevin McCabe, Mike Coddington, Joseph H Eto, Lisa C Schwartz, Juliet Homer, Tim Woolf, Paul De Martini, Debra Lew, and Lavelle Freeman."Mid-Atlantic Distribution Systems and Planning Training."
Frick, Natalie Mims, and Lisa C Schwartz."Buildings-to-Grid: Critical Issues for Decision Makers."
Goldman, Charles A, Sean Murphy, Ian M Hoffman, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."The Future of U.S. Electricity Efficiency Programs Funded by Utility Customers: Program Spending and Savings Projections to 2030."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Lisa C Schwartz, and Alyse Taylor-Anyikire."A Framework for Integrated Analysis of Distributed Energy Resources: Guide for States."
Jones, Philip B, Jonathan Levy, Jenifer Bosco, John Howat, John W Van Alst, and Lisa C Schwartz."The Future of Transportation Electrification: Utility, Industry and Consumer Perspectives."Future Electric Utility Regulation Report Series
FEUR Report No. 10 (2018).
Hoffman, Ian M, Charles A Goldman, Sean Murphy, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."The Cost of Saving Electricity Through Energy Efficiency Programs Funded by Utility Customers: 2009–2015."
Cooke, Alan, Juliet Homer, and Lisa C Schwartz."Distribution System Planning – State Examples by Topic."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Joe Paladino, Maury Galbraith, Kerry Worthington, Fred Hoover, Kevin Schneider, Emma M Stewart, Barry Mather, Michael Coddington, Jeremy Twitchell, Joseph H Eto, Andrew D Mills, Debra Lew, and Lavelle Freeman."Distribution Systems and Planning Training for Western States."