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X Author: Michael J Sullivan
Sullivan, Michael J, Myles T Collins, Josh A Schellenberg, and Peter H Larsen."Estimating Power System Interruption Costs: A Guidebook for Electric Utilities."
Todd-Blick, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: Ramp-up, dependability, and short-term persistence of savings from Home Energy Reports."
Sullivan, Michael J, Josh A Schellenberg, and Marshall Blundell."Updated Value of Service Reliability Estimates for Electric Utility Customers in the United States."
Todd-Blick, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: Identifying Specific Actions, Behaviors and Characteristics that drive savings in Behavior-Based Programs."
Todd-Blick, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: The Potential for Peak-Hour Savings from Behavior-Based Programs."
Bode, Josh L, Michael J Sullivan, and Joseph H Eto."Measuring Short-term Air Conditioner Demand Reductions for Operations and Settlement."
(2012) 120.
Sullivan, Michael J, Matthew G Mercurio, Josh A Schellenberg, and Joseph H Eto."How to Estimate the Value of Service Reliability Improvements."IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
(2010) 5. DOI
Sullivan, Michael J, Matthew G Mercurio, and Josh A Schellenberg."Estimated Value of Service Reliability for Electric Utility Customers in the United States."
(2009) 130.
Lawton, Leora, Michael J Sullivan, Kent Van Liere, Aaron Katz, and Joseph H Eto."A Framework and Review of Customer Outage Costs: Integration and Analysis of Electric Utility Outage Cost Surveys."
(2003) 86.
Lawton, Leora, Joseph H Eto, Aaron Katz, and Michael J Sullivan."Characteristics and Trends in a National Study of Consumer Outage Costs."Center for Research in Regulated Industries (CRRI) Annual Western Conference
(2003) 16.