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X Author: Nan Zhou
Zhou, Nan, Hongyou Lu, Nina Khanna, Xu Liu, David Fridley, Lynn K Price, Wei Feng, Jiang Lin, Carolyn Szum, and Chao Ding."China Energy Outlook: Understanding China’s Energy and Emissions Trends."
Karali, Nihan, Nihar Shah, Won Young Park, Nina Khanna, Chao Ding, Jiang Lin, and Nan Zhou."Improving the energy efficiency of room air conditioners in China: Costs and benefits."Applied Energy
258 (2020) 114023. DOI
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, and Amol A Phadke."China and India: Energy Service and Related Material Demand Projections."38th International Energy Workshop
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Aditya Khandekar, Nikit Abhyankar, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, Nan Zhou, and Amol A Phadke."Modeling India’s energy future using a bottom-up approach."Applied Energy
238 (2019). DOI
Lin, Jiang, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Lynn K Price, and Nan Zhou."Near-term trends in China's coal consumption."
Lin, Jiang, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Lynn K Price, and Nan Zhou."Has coal use peaked in China: Near-term trends in China's coal consumption."Energy Policy
123 (2018) 208 - 214. DOI
Fridley, David, Nina Zheng, Nan Zhou, Nathaniel T Aden, Jiang Lin, Jianhong Cheng, Tomoyuki Sakamoto, and Nina Khanna."China Refrigerator Information Label: Specification Development and Potential Impact."
Zhou, Nan, and Jiang Lin."The Reality and Future Scenarios of Commercial Building Energy Consumption in China."
Lin, Jiang, Nan Zhou, Mark D Levine, and David Fridley."Taking out One Billion Tons of CO2: The Magic of China’s 11th Five Year Plan?."
Fridley, David, Nathaniel T Aden, Nan Zhou, and Jiang Lin."Impacts of China’s Current Appliance Standards and Labeling Program to 2020."
Zhou, Nan, Michael A McNeil, David Fridley, Jiang Lin, Lynn K Price, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Jayant A Sathaye, and Mark D Levine."Energy Use in China: Sectoral Trends and Future Outlook."
Bressand, Florian, Nan Zhou, and Jiang Lin."al Energy use in commercial building in China: Current situation and future scenarios."2007 ECEEE Summer Study Proceedings
Lin, Jiang, Nan Zhou, Mark D Levine, and David Fridley."Achieving China’s Target for Energy Intensity Reduction in 2010: An exploration of recent trends and possible future scenarios."