Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Larsen, Peter H, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Alan H Sanstad, Sunhee Baik, Ian Sue Wing, Dan Wei, Adam Rose, Jeremy Smith, Christopher Ramee, and Ridge Peterson."Power Outage Economics Tool: A Prototype for the Commonwealth Edison Service Territory."
Larsen, Peter H, Lisa C Schwartz, and Joe Paladino."Resilience Training for the Public Utility Commission of Texas."
Sparti, Chelsi, Peter H Larsen, and Tyler Huntington."The Value of Sharing and Consolidating Critical Community, Electricity, and Natural Hazard Information."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin D Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Sunhee Baik, and Peter H Larsen."A Guide for Improved Resource Adequacy Assessments in Evolving Power Systems: Institutional and Technical Dimensions."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Joe Paladino, Peter H Larsen, Cecilia Klauber, Tom Short, Scott Sternfeld, and Miguel Heleno."Resilience Training for the Southeast."
Baik, Sunhee, Nichole L Hanus, Alan H Sanstad, Joseph H Eto, and Peter H Larsen."A Hybrid Approach to Estimating the Economic Value of Enhanced Power System Resilience."
Sanstad, Alan H, Qianru Zhu, Benjamin Leibowicz, Peter H Larsen, and Joseph H Eto."Case Studies of the Economic Impacts of Power Interruptions and Damage to Electricity System Infrastructure from Extreme Events."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Maury Galbraith, and Peter H Larsen."Implications of a regional resource adequacy program on utility integrated resource planning: Study for the Western United States."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Myles T Collins, Stephanie Bieler, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, and Peter H Larsen."Indiana 21st Century Energy Policy: Emerging Technologies on the Electricity Distribution System."
Larsen, Peter H, Megan Lawson, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and Joseph H Eto."Severe weather, utility spending, and the long-term reliability of the U.S. power system."Energy
198 (2020). DOI
Larsen, Peter H, Alan H Sanstad, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and Joseph H Eto."Frontiers in the Economics of Widespread, Long-Duration Power Interruptions: Proceedings from an Expert Workshop."Frontiers in the Economics of Widespread, Long-Duration Power Interruptions
Sullivan, Michael J, Myles T Collins, Josh A Schellenberg, and Peter H Larsen."Estimating Power System Interruption Costs: A Guidebook for Electric Utilities."
Schellenberg, Josh A, and Peter H Larsen."Changes to the Underlying Econometric Models for the Interruption Cost Estimate (ICE) Calculator."
LaCommare, Kristina Hamachi, Peter H Larsen, and Joseph H Eto."Evaluating Proposed Investments in Power System Reliability and Resilience: Preliminary Results from Interviews with Public Utility Commission Staff."
Larsen, Peter H, Brent Boehlert, Joseph H Eto, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Jeremy Martinich, and Lisa Rennels."Projecting Future Costs to U.S. Electric Utility Customers from Power Interruptions."
Larsen, Peter H, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Joseph H Eto, and James L Sweeney."Recent trends in power system reliability and implications for evaluating future investments in resiliency."Energy
117 (2016) 29 - 46. DOI
Larsen, Peter H."A Method to Estimate the Costs and Benefits of Undergrounding Electricity Transmission and Distribution lines."Energy Economics
60.November 2016 (2016) 47-61. DOI
Allen, Riley, Donna Brutkoski, David Farnsworth, and Peter H Larsen."Sustainable Energy Solutions for Rural Alaska."
Larsen, Peter H, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Joseph H Eto, and James L Sweeney."Assessing Changes in the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power System."
Larsen, Peter H, James L Sweeney, Joseph H Eto, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."Exploring the Reliability of U.S. Electric Utilities."37th IAEE International Conference
Sathaye, Jayant A, Larry L Dale, Peter H Larsen, Gary A Fitts, Kevin Koy, Sarah M Lewis, and André Frossard Pereira de Lucena."Estimating impacts of warming temperatures on California's electricity system."Global Environmental Change
23.2 (2013) 499-511. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Peter H Larsen, Annika Todd-Blick, and Emily Fisher."An Examination of Temporal Trends in Electricity Reliability Based on Reports from U.S. Electric Utilities."
Sathaye, Jayant A, Larry L Dale, Peter H Larsen, Gary A Fitts, Kevin Koy, Sarah M Lewis, and André Frossard Pereira de Lucena."Estimating Risk to California Energy Infrastructure From Projected Climate Change."
Lazo, Jeffery K, Megan Lawson, Peter H Larsen, and Donald M Waldman."U.S. Economic Sensitivity to Weather Variability."Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
(2011). DOI
Chinowsky, Paul S, Kenneth Strzepek, Peter H Larsen, and Arie Opdahl."Adaptive Climate Response Cost Models for Infrastructure."Journal of Infrastructure Systems
(2010). DOI