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X Author: Ralph Prahl
Goldman, Charles A, Joseph H Eto, Ralph Prahl, and Jeff Schlegel."California's Nonresidential Standard Performance Contract Program."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(1998) 14.
Prahl, Ralph, Jeff Schlegel, and Charles A Goldman."Organizing for Market Transformation: Institutional Issues in the Creation of a New Energy Efficiency Policy Framework in California."
(1998) 14.
Eto, Joseph H, Ralph Prahl, and Jeff Schlegel."A Scoping Study on Energy-Efficiency Market Transformation by California Utility DSM Programs."
(1996) 150.
Vine, Edward L, Odon de Buen, Charles A Goldman, and Ralph Prahl."Mandating utility competition: One option for promoting energy efficiency."Utilities Policy
2.1 (1992) 51-61. DOI