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X Author: Richard Sonnenblick
Eto, Joseph H, M. M Suzie Kito, Leslie J Shown, and Richard Sonnenblick."Where Did the Money Go? The Cost and Performance of the Largest Commercial Sector DSM Programs."The Energy Journal
21.2 (2000) 62.
Eto, Joseph H, Edward L Vine, Leslie J Shown, Richard Sonnenblick, and Christopher T Payne."The Total Cost and Measured Performance of Utility-Sponsored Energy Efficiency Programs."The Energy Journal
17.1 (1996).
Eto, Joseph H, M. M Suzie Kito, Leslie J Shown, and Richard Sonnenblick."Where Did the Money Go? The Cost and Measured Performance of the Largest 1992 Commercial Sector DSM Programs."ACEEE 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
6 (1996).
Eto, Joseph H, M. M Suzie Kito, Leslie J Shown, and Richard Sonnenblick."Where Did the Money Go? The Cost and Performance of the Largest Commercial Sector DSM Programs."
Sonnenblick, Richard, and Joseph H Eto."A Framework for Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of DSM Program Evaluations."
(1995) 154.
Sonnenblick, Richard, and Joseph H Eto."A Review of Commerical Sector Lighting Program Evaluation."Energy Services Journal
1 (1995) 22.
Sonnenblick, Richard, and Joseph H Eto."Calculating the Uncertainty Estimates of DSM Program Cost-Effectiveness."1995 International Energy Program Evalution Conference
Vine, Edward L, Joseph H Eto, Leslie J Shown, Richard Sonnenblick, and Christopher T Payne."Evaluation of Commercial Lighting Programs: A DEEP Assessment."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Sonnenblick, Richard, and Joseph H Eto."Uncertainty in Site Inspection and Tracking Database Estimates of Saving."1994 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings