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X Author: Ryan H Wiser
Hoen, Ben, Geoffrey T Klise, Joshua Graff-Zivin, Mark A Thayer, Joachim Seel, and Ryan H Wiser."Exploring California PV Home Premiums."
Mills, Andrew D, and Ryan H Wiser."Changes in the Economic Value of Photovoltaic Generation at High Penetration Levels: A Pilot Case Study of California."IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
3.4 (2013) 1394 - 1402. DOI
Hoen, Ben, Ryan H Wiser, Mark A Thayer, and Peter Cappers."Residential Photovoltaic Energy Systems in California: The Effect on Home Sales Prices."Contemporary Economic Policy
31.4 (2013) 708 - 718. DOI
Feldman, David, Galen L Barbose, Robert Margolis, Naïm R Darghouth, Ted James, Samantha Weaver, Alan Goodrich, and Ryan H Wiser."Photovoltaic System Pricing Trends: Historical, Recent, and Near-Term Projections - 2013 Edition."
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Galen L Barbose, Naïm R Darghouth, Ben Hoen, Andrew D Mills, Samantha Weaver, Kevin Porter, Michael Buckley, Sari Fink, Frank Oteri, and Suzanne Tegen."2012 Wind Technologies Market Report."
Hoen, Ben, Jason P Brown, Thomas Jackson, Ryan H Wiser, Mark A Thayer, and Peter Cappers."A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of Wind Energy Facilities on Surrounding Property Values in the United States."
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Samantha Weaver, and Ryan H Wiser."Tracking the Sun VI: An Historical Summary of the Installed Price of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2012."
Seel, Joachim, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."An Analysis of Residential PV System Price Differences Between the United States and Germany."39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
(2013). DOI
Seel, Joachim, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."An Analysis of Residential PV System Price Differences Between the United States and Germany."American Solar Energy Society Annual Meeting
Wiser, Ryan H, and Changgui Dong."The Impact of City-level Permitting Processes on Residential Photovoltaic Installation Prices and Development Times: An Empirical Analysis of Solar Systems in California Cities."
Dong, Changgui, and Ryan H Wiser."The Impact of City-Level Permitting Processes on Residential PV Installation Prices and Development Times."American Solar Energy Society Annual Meeting
Mills, Andrew D, and Ryan H Wiser."Changes in the Economic Value of Variable Generation at High Penetration Levels: A Pilot Case Study of California."18th Annual POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy
Seel, Joachim, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."Why Are Residential PV Prices in Germany So Much Lower Than in the United States? A Scoping Analysis."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."Electricity Bill Savings from Residential Photovoltaic Systems: Sensitivities to Changes in Future Electricity Market Conditions."
Mills, Andrew D, and Ryan H Wiser."An Evaluation of Solar Valuation Methods Used in Utility Planning and Procurement Processes."
Ardani, Kristen, Galen L Barbose, Robert Margolis, Ryan H Wiser, David Feldman, and Sean Ong."Benchmarking Non-Hardware Balance of System (Soft) Costs for U.S. Photovoltaic Systems Using a Data-Driven Analysis from PV Installer Survey Results."
Brown, Jason P, John Pender, Ryan H Wiser, Eric Lantz, and Ben Hoen."Ex Post Analysis of Economic Impacts from Wind Power Development in U.S. Counties."Energy Economics
34.6 (2012). DOI
Feldman, David, Galen L Barbose, Robert Margolis, Ryan H Wiser, Naïm R Darghouth, and Alan Goodrich."Photovoltaic (PV) Pricing Trends: Historical, Recent, and Near-Term Projections."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."The Potential Impact of Increased Renewable Energy Penetration Levels on Electricity Bill Savings From Residential Photovoltaic Systems."31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, and Ryan H Wiser."Tracking the Sun V An Historical Summary of the Installed Price of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2011."
Cappers, Peter, Andrew D Mills, Charles A Goldman, Ryan H Wiser, and Joseph H Eto."An assessment of the role mass market demand response could play in contributing to the management of variable generation integration issues."Energy Policy
48 (2012) 420 - 429. DOI
Brown, Jason P, John Pender, Ryan H Wiser, Eric Lantz, and Ben Hoen."The Impact of Wind Development on County-Level Income and Employment: A Review of Methods and an Empirical Analysis (Fact Sheet)."