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X Author: Ryan H Wiser
Hoen, Ben, Ryan H Wiser, Mark A Thayer, and Peter Cappers."Do PV systems increase residential selling prices? If so, how can practitioners estimate this increase?."2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
(2012) 001774 - 001777. DOI
Lantz, Eric, Ryan H Wiser, M Maureen Hand, Athanasia Arapogianni, Alberto Ceña, Emilien Simonot, and Edward James-Smith."IEA Wind Task 26: The Past And Future Cost Of Wind Energy."
Hoen, Ben, Ryan H Wiser, Mark A Thayer, and Peter Cappers."Residential Photovoltaic Energy Systems in California: The Effect on Home Sales Prices."
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H Wiser."Understanding wind turbine price trends in the U.S. over the past decade."Energy Policy
42 (2012) 628 - 641. DOI
Wiser, Ryan H, Eric Lantz, Mark Bolinger, and M Maureen Hand."Recent Developments in the Levelized Cost of Energy from U.S. Wind Power Projects."
Mills, Andrew D, Ryan H Wiser, and Kevin Porter."The cost of transmission for wind energy in the United States: A review of transmission planning studies."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
16.1 (2012) 19. DOI
Cappers, Peter, Andrew D Mills, Charles A Goldman, Ryan H Wiser, and Joseph H Eto."Mass Market Demand Response and Variable Generation Integration Issues: A Scoping Study."
(2011) 76.
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H Wiser."Understanding Trends in Wind Turbine Prices Over the Past Decade."
(2011) 46.
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."The impact of rate design and net metering on the bill savings from distributed PV for residential customers in California."Energy Policy
39.9 (2011) 5243 - 5253. DOI
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Ryan H Wiser, and Joachim Seel."Tracking the Sun IV An Historical Summary of the Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2010."
(2011) 61.
Brown, Jason P, Ben Hoen, Eric Lantz, John Pender, and Ryan H Wiser."Economic Impacts of Wind Turbine Development in U.S. Counties."Poster Presented at the AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA
(2011) 1.
Mills, Andrew D, and Ryan H Wiser."Implications of geographic diversity for short-term variability and predictability of solar power."2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
(2011) 1 - 9. DOI
Wiser, Ryan H, Galen L Barbose, and Edward Holt."Supporting solar power in renewables portfolio standards: Experience from the United States."Energy Policy
39.7 (2011) 3894 - 3905. DOI
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Naïm R Darghouth, Kevin Porter, Michael Buckley, Sari Fink, Russell Raymond, Frank Oteri, Galen L Barbose, Joachim Seel, Andrew D Mills, and Ben Hoen."2010 Wind Technologies Market Report."
(2011) 98.
Hoen, Ben, Ryan H Wiser, Peter Cappers, and Mark A Thayer."Do Photovoltaic Energy Systems Affect Residential Selling Prices? Results from a California Statewide Investigation."40th Annual National Solar Conference (Solar 2011)
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Ramon Pichs-Madruga, Youba Sokona, Kristin Seyboth, Dan Arvizu, Thomas Bruckner, John Christensen, Helena Chum, Jean-Michel Devernay, Andre Faaij, Manfred Fischedick, Barry Goldstein, Gerrit Hansen, John Huckerby, Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, Susanne Kadner, Daniel M Kammen, Volker Krey, Arun Kumar, Anthony Lewis, Oswaldo Lucon, Patrick Matschoss, Lourdes Maurice, Catherine Mitchell, William Moomaw, José Moreira, Alain Nadai, Lars J Nilsson, John Nyboer, Atiq Rahman, Jayant A Sathaye, Janet Sawin, Roberto Schaeffer, Tormod Schei, Steffen Schlömer, Ralph Sims, Christoph von Stechow, Aviel Verbruggen, Kevin Urama, Ryan H Wiser, Francis Yamba, and Timm Zwickel."IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation."
Hoen, Ben, Peter Cappers, Ryan H Wiser, and Mark A Thayer."An Analysis of the Effects of Photovoltaic Energy Systems on Residential Selling Prices in California."American Real Estate Society Annual Conference
Hoen, Ben, Ryan H Wiser, Peter Cappers, and Mark A Thayer."An Analysis of the Effects of Residential Photovoltaic Energy Systems on Home Sales Prices in California."
(2011) 60.
Mills, Andrew D, Amol A Phadke, and Ryan H Wiser."Exploration of resource and transmission expansion decisions in the Western Renewable Energy Zone initiative."Energy Policy
39.3 (2011) 1732 - 1745. DOI
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, and Ryan H Wiser."Tracking the Sun III The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S. from 1998-2009."
(2010) 54.
Wiser, Ryan H, Galen L Barbose, and Edward Holt."Supporting Solar Power in Renewables Portfolio Standards: Experience from the United States."
(2010) 49.
Mills, Andrew D, and Ryan H Wiser."Implications of Wide-Area Geographic Diversity for Short- Term Variability of Solar Power."
(2010) 48.
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Galen L Barbose, Naïm R Darghouth, Ben Hoen, Andrew D Mills, Kevin Porter, Sari Fink, and Suzanne Tegen."2009 Wind Technologies Market Report."
(2010) 88.