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X Author: Sandra Adomatis
Hoen, Ben, Sandra Adomatis, Thomas Jackson, Joshua Graff-Zivin, Mark A Thayer, Geoffrey T Klise, and Ryan H Wiser."Multi-State Residential Transaction Estimates of Solar Photovoltaic System Premiums."Renewable Energy Focus
19-20 (2017) 90-103. DOI
Hoen, Ben, Joseph Rand, and Sandra Adomatis."Leasing Into the Sun A Mixed Method Analysis of Transactions of Homes with Third Party Owned Solar."
Stukel, Laura, Ben Hoen, Sandra Adomatis, Craig Foley, and Laura Parsons."Capturing the Sun: A Roadmap for Navigating Data-Access Challenges and Auto-Populating Solar Home Sales Listings."
Adomatis, Sandra, and Ben Hoen."An Analysis of Solar Home Paired Sales across Six States."The Appraisal Journal
84.1 (2016) 27-42.