Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Bolinger, Mark, Natalie Mims Frick, and Ryan H Wiser."Consumer Impacts of A Clean Energy Transition: Renewable Energy."
Kramer, Chris, Greg Leventis, and Jeff Deason."Driving Uptake for Energy Efficiency Financing Programs: Marketing and Outreach, Partnership Networks, and Program Design Considerations."
McAdams, Jasmine, and Nichole L Hanus."Establishing and Maintaining Engagement for a Distributional Equity Analysis."
Jain, Anubhav, Tianzhen Hong, Mary Ann Piette, Michael D Sohn, Will Gorman, Alexandre Moreira, Lazlo Paul, Haitam Laarabi, and Maher Alghalayini."Frontiers in Energy Storage: Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence (AI)."
Schellenberg, Josh A, and Lisa C Schwartz."Grid Resilience Plans: State Requirements, Utility Practices, and Utility Plan Template."
Leventis, Greg, Sydney Forrester, and Bentham Paulos."Income Verification Strategies for Income-Based Solar Programs."
Davis, Cody, and Lisa C Schwartz."Sizing Electric Service Panels and Utility Infrastructure for Residential Electrification and Distributed Energy Resources Adoption."
Millstein, Dev, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Will Gorman, and Ryan H Wiser."Transmission value in 2023: Market data shows the value of transmission remained high in certain locations despite overall low wholesale electricity prices."
Gilbert, Ben, Ben Hoen, and Hannah Gagarin."Distributional Equity in the Employment and Wage Impacts of Energy Transitions."Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, Sudha Kannan, and Jenny Sumner."Evaluating community solar as a measure to promote equitable clean energy access."Nature Energy
(2024). DOI
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Dev Millstein, and Joachim Seel."Grid Value and Cost of Utility-Scale Wind and Solar: Potential Implications for Consumer Electricity Bills."
Enterline, Shawn, Andrew Valainis, and Ben Hoen."Laws in Order: An Inventory of State Renewable Energy Siting Policies."
Forrester, Sydney, Cristina Crespo Montañés, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Galen L Barbose."Modeling the potential effects of rooftop solar on household energy burden in the United States."Nature Communications
15 (2024). DOI
Price, Snuller."Benefit-Cost Analysis for Grid Modernization Investments: Key Elements and Jurisdictional Survey."
Millstein, Dev, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Ryan H Wiser."Climate and air quality benefits of wind and solar generation in the United States from 2019 to 2022."Cell Reports Sustainability
(2024). DOI
Woolf, Tim, Alice Napoleon, Natalie Mims Frick, Lisa C Schwartz, and Julie Michals."Distributional Equity Analysis for Energy Efficiency and Other Distributed Energy Resources: A Practical Guide."
Millstein, Dev, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Ryan H Wiser."Exploring Wholesale Energy Price Trends: The Renewables and Wholesale Electricity Prices (ReWEP) tool, Version 2024.1."
Murphy, Sean, Margaret Pigman, and Natalie Mims Frick."Managing changes in peak demand from building and transportation electrification with energy efficiency."
Barbose, Galen L."One Year In: Tracking the Impacts of NEM 3.0 on California’s Residential Solar Market."
Larsen, Peter H, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Alan H Sanstad, Sunhee Baik, Ian Sue Wing, Dan Wei, Adam Rose, Jeremy Smith, Christopher Ramee, and Ridge Peterson."Power Outage Economics Tool: A Prototype for the Commonwealth Edison Service Territory."
Rand, Joseph, Karl Hoesch, Sarah Mills, Ben Hoen, Robi Nilson, Doug Bessette, and Jake White."Perceptions of Large-Scale Solar Project Neighbors: Results From a National Survey."
Rand, Joseph, Nick Manderlink, Will Gorman, Ryan H Wiser, Joachim Seel, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Seongeun Jeong, and Fritz Kahrl."Queued Up: 2024 Edition, Characteristics of Power Plants Seeking Transmission Interconnection As of the End of 2023."
Yang, Haozhe, Qian Luo, Gang He, Jiang Lin, Jeremiah X Johnson, Fernando Garcia-Menendez, Olivier Deschenes, Ana Mileva, and Ranjit Deshmukh."Regional disparities in health and employment outcomes of China's transition to a low-carbon electricity system."Environmental Research: Energy
1 (2024). DOI