Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Gerke, Brian F, Cong Zhang, Andrew Satchwell, Samanvitha Murthy, Mary Ann Piette, Elaina Present, Eric Wilson, Andrew Speake, and Rajendra Adhikari."Modeling the Interaction Between Energy Efficiency and Demand Response on Regional Grid Scales."ACEEE 2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Ben Hoen, Dev Millstein, Joseph Rand, Galen L Barbose, Naïm R Darghouth, Will Gorman, Seongeun Jeong, Andrew D Mills, and Bentham Paulos."Wind Energy Technology Data Update: 2020 Edition."
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, Jeff Deason, Sydney Forrester, Natalie Mims Frick, Brian F Gerke, and Mary Ann Piette."A Conceptual Framework to Describe Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Interactions."
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Will Gorman, Joseph Rand, Seongeun Jeong, Joachim Seel, Cody Warner, and Bentham Paulos."Hybrid Power Plants: Status of Installed and Proposed Projects."
Schiller, Steven R, Lisa C Schwartz, and Sean Murphy."Performance Assessments of Demand Flexibility from Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Issues and Considerations."
Bolinger, Mark, Will Gorman, Dev Millstein, and Dirk C Jordan."System-level performance and degradation of 21 GW-DC of utility-scale PV plants in the United States."Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
12.4 (2020). DOI
Gerke, Brian F, Giulia Gallo, Sarah Josephine Smith, Jingjing Liu, Shuba V Raghavan, Peter Schwartz, Mary Ann Piette, Rongxin Yin, and Sofia Stensson."The California Demand Response Potential Study, Phase 3: Final Report on the Shift Resource through 2030."
(2020). DOI
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Sean Murphy, Benjamin Leibowicz, and Peter H Larsen."The economic value of a centralized approach to distributed resource investment and operation."Applied Energy
269 (2020). DOI
Wiser, Ryan H, Dev Millstein, Mark Bolinger, Seongeun Jeong, and Andrew D Mills."The hidden value of large-rotor, tall-tower wind turbines in the United States."Wind Engineering
(2020). DOI
Phadke, Amol A, Umed Paliwal, Nikit Abhyankar, Taylor McNair, Bentham Paulos, David Wooley, and Ric O'Connell."2035 The Report: Plummeting Solar, Wind, And Battery Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Electricity Future."
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, and Joachim Seel."Benchmarking Utility-Scale PV Operational Expenses and Project Lifetimes: Results from a Survey of U.S. Solar Industry Professionals."
Eckman, Tom, Lisa C Schwartz, and Natalie Mims Frick."Economic Valuation of Energy Resources: Technical Assistance Opportunity for States on Enhanced Methods to Assess Utility System Value of Demand Flexibility."
Seel, Joachim, Andrew D Mills, Cody Warner, Bentham Paulos, and Ryan H Wiser."Impacts of High Variable Renewable Energy Futures on Electric-Sector Decision Making: Demand-Side Effects."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Myles T Collins, Stephanie Bieler, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, and Peter H Larsen."Indiana 21st Century Energy Policy: Emerging Technologies on the Electricity Distribution System."
Sutter, Mary, Jenn Mitchell-Jackson, Steven R Schiller, Lisa C Schwartz, and Ian M Hoffman."Applying Non-Energy Impacts from Other Jurisdictions in Cost-Benefit Analyses of Energy Efficiency Programs: Resources for States for Utility Customer-Funded Programs."
Schiller, Steven R, Ian M Hoffman, Sean Murphy, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."Cost of saving natural gas through efficiency programs funded by utility customers: 2012–2017."
Hamilton, Sofia D, Dev Millstein, Mark Bolinger, Ryan H Wiser, and Seongeun Jeong."How Does Wind Project Performance Change with Age in the United States?."Joule
4 (2020) 1-17. DOI
Larsen, Peter H, Megan Lawson, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and Joseph H Eto."Severe weather, utility spending, and the long-term reliability of the U.S. power system."Energy
198 (2020). DOI
Goldman, Charles A, Ian M Hoffman, Sean Murphy, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."The Cost of Saving Electricity: A Multi-Program Cost Curve for Programs Funded by U.S. Utility Customers."Energies
13 (2020). DOI
Goldman, Charles A, Sean Murphy, Ian M Hoffman, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."What does the future hold for utility electricity efficiency programs?."The Electricity Journal
33.4 (2020). DOI
Zhou, Nan, Hongyou Lu, Nina Khanna, Xu Liu, David Fridley, Lynn K Price, Wei Feng, Jiang Lin, Carolyn Szum, and Chao Ding."China Energy Outlook: Understanding China’s Energy and Emissions Trends."