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Hoen, Ben, Jeremy Firestone, Joseph Rand, Debi Elliott, Gundula Hübner, Johannes Pohl, Ryan H Wiser, Eric Lantz, Ryan Haac, and Ken Kaliski."Attitudes of U.S. Wind Turbine Neighbors: Analysis of a Nationwide Survey."Energy Policy
134 (2019). DOI
Hübner, Gundula, Johannes Pohl, Ben Hoen, Jeremy Firestone, Debi Elliott, Joseph Rand, and Ryan Haac."Monitoring annoyance and stress effects of wind turbines on nearby residents: A comparison of U.S. and European samples."Environment International
132 (2019). DOI
Haac, Ryan, Ken Kaliski, Matt Landis, Ben Hoen, Joseph Rand, Jeremy Firestone, Debi Elliott, Gundula Hübner, and Johannes Pohl."Wind turbine audibility and noise annoyance in a national U.S. survey: Individual perception and influencing factors."The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
146.1124 (2019). DOI
Firestone, Jeremy, Ben Hoen, Joseph Rand, Debi Elliott, Gundula Hübner, and Johannes Pohl."Reconsidering Barriers to Wind Power Projects: Community Engagement, Developer Transparency and Place."Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning
(2017) 1-17. DOI
Rand, Joseph, and Ben Hoen."Thirty years of North American wind energy acceptance research: What have we learned?."Energy Research & Social Science
29.July 2017 (2017) 135-148. DOI
Hoen, Ben, and Carol Atkinson-Palombo."Wind Turbines, Amenities and Disamenities: A Study of Home Value Impacts in Densely Populated Massachusetts."Journal of Real Estate Research
38.N o . 4 – 2 0 1 6 (2016) 473-504.
Hoen, Ben, Jason P Brown, Thomas Jackson, Mark A Thayer, Ryan H Wiser, and Peter Cappers."Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of US Wind Energy Facilities on Surrounding Property Values."The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
(2014). DOI
Atkinson-Palombo, Carol, and Ben Hoen."Relationship between Wind Turbines and Residential Property Values in Massachusetts."
Hoen, Ben, Jason P Brown, Thomas Jackson, Ryan H Wiser, Mark A Thayer, and Peter Cappers."A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of Wind Energy Facilities on Surrounding Property Values in the United States."
Brown, Jason P, John Pender, Ryan H Wiser, Eric Lantz, and Ben Hoen."Ex Post Analysis of Economic Impacts from Wind Power Development in U.S. Counties."Energy Economics
34.6 (2012). DOI
Brown, Jason P, John Pender, Ryan H Wiser, Eric Lantz, and Ben Hoen."The Impact of Wind Development on County-Level Income and Employment: A Review of Methods and an Empirical Analysis (Fact Sheet)."
Brown, Jason P, Ben Hoen, Eric Lantz, John Pender, and Ryan H Wiser."Economic Impacts of Wind Turbine Development in U.S. Counties."Poster Presented at the AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA
(2011) 1.
Hoen, Ben, Haftan Eckholdt, and Ryan H Wiser."Assessing the Impacts of Reduced Noise Operations of Wind Turbines on Neighbor Annoyance: A Preliminary Analysis in Vinalhaven, Maine."
(2010) 17.
Hoen, Ben, Ryan H Wiser, Peter Cappers, Mark A Thayer, and Gautam Sethi."The Impact of Wind Power Projects on Residential Property Values in the United States: A Multi-Site Hedonic Analysis."Journal of Real Estate Research
Vol. 33.Isssue 3 (2009) 167.
Hoen, Ben, Ryan H Wiser, Peter Cappers, Mark A Thayer, and Gautam Sethi."Wind Energy Facilities and Residential Properties: The Effect of Proximity and View on Sales Prices."Journal of Real Estate Research
33.3 (2009).
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H Wiser."A Comparative Analysis of Business Structures Suitable for Farmer-Owned Wind Power Projects in the United States."
(2004) 31.
Bolinger, Mark."A Survey of State Support for Community Wind Power Development."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2004) 18.