Utility-Scale Solar 2014: An Empirical Analysis of Project Cost, Performance, and Pricing Trends in the United States

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This report is not the most recent version of our annual utility-scale solar report series. In case you have reached this site by following the link http://utilityscalesolar.lbl.gov , please clear the cache of your browser and re-enter the URL. You can also find the most recent report that examines large-scale solar projects completed in 2015 by clicking on the following link: https://emp.lbl.gov/publications/utility-scale-solar-2015-empirical 

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory hosted a webinar on September 30, 2015 entitled "Utility-Scale Solar 2014: An Empirical Analysis of Project Cost, Performance, and Pricing Trends in the United States."

To view the webinar, click here.


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