Efficiency & Load Flexibility
Promoting effective deployment of energy efficiency, end-use electrification, and demand flexibility
What We Do
EMP helps states and other policymakers leverage energy efficiency, and demand flexibility by studying how to plan for, compensate, deploy, and dispatch these technologies. We disseminate successful approaches to program implementers, policymakers, and regulators through technical assistance.
Our Approach
EMP conducts research, analysis, and technical assistance on markets and policies for efficiency, and demand flexibility. We assist program implementers in planning, designing, financing, implementing, and evaluating public programs and customer-funded utility programs that support these technologies. EMP also provides technical and policy support to state utility regulatory commissions, state energy offices, utilities, independent system operators (ISOs), and regional transmission organizations (RTOs). Recent highlights include a summary of current EV rate designs; a quantification of the impacts of EVs on customer raters and utility finances; and exploration of the drivers of the costs of saving electricity through utility customer-funded programs.
Selected Projects
- A National Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings
- Assessing the Interactive Impacts of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response on Power System Costs and Emissions
- Long-Term Performance of Energy Efficiency Loan Portfolios
- Time and Locational Value of Distributed Energy Resources
- Utility Customer-Funded Programs