Future Electric Utility Regulation Series

Future Electric Utility Regulation Series

Future Electric Utility Regulation Series ThumbnailThe Future Electric Utility Regulation Series, a series of reports from Berkeley Lab, taps leading thinkers to grapple with complex regulatory issues for electricity.

The electric sector in the United States is seeing significant changes in technologies, customer desires, load growth, and federal and state policies and regulations. These reports tap leading thinkers with diverse perspectives on the future of electric utility regulation and business models and achieving a reliable, affordable, clean and flexible power system.

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Reports published to date:

  1. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), Industry Structure and Regulatory Responses
  2. Distribution Systems in a High DER Future: Planning, Market Design, Operation and Oversight
  3. Performance-Based Regulation in a High DER Future
  4. Distribution System Pricing With DERs
  5. Recovery of Utility Fixed Costs: Utility, Consumer, Environmental and Economist Perspectives
  6. The Future of Electricity Resource Planning
  7. The Future of Centrally-Organized Wholesale Electricity Market
  8. Regulatory Incentives and Disincentives for Utility Investments in Grid Modernization 
  9. Value-Added Electricity Services: New Roles for Utilities and Third-Party Providers 
  10. The Future of Transportation Electrification: Utility, Competitive Market and Consumer Perspectives
  11. Utility Investments in Resilience of Electricity Systems
  12. Advancing Equity in Utility Regulation
  13. The Role of Innovation in the Electric Utility Sector 

Also see the following related reports:

State Performance-Based Regulation Using Multiyear Rate Plans for U.S. Electric Utilities (July 2017). https://emp.lbl.gov/publications/state-performance-based-regulation.

Renewable Energy Options for Large Utility Customers (2019)by Lori Bird, Priya Barua, Heidi Bishop and Celina Bonugli, World Resources Institute; Steve Chriss, Walmart Inc.; and Xcel Energy. Edited by Lisa Schwartz, Berkeley Lab. Webinar recording and PDF. Report PDF.

All-Source Competitive Solicitations: State and Electric Utility Practices (2021), by Dr. Fredrich Kahrl. Edited by Lisa Schwartz, Berkeley Lab. Report and webinar materials: https://emp.lbl.gov/publications/all-source-competitive-solicitations.




Farley, Chandra, John Howat, Jenifer Bosco, Nidhi Thakar, Jake Wise, Jean Su, and Lisa C Schwartz."Advancing Equity in Utility Regulation."Future Electric Utility Regulation Series FEUR Report No. 12 (2021).
Kahrl, Fredrich, Andrew D Mills, Luke Lavin, Nancy Ryan, Arne Olsen, and Lisa C Schwartz."The Future of Electricity Resource Planning."Future Electric Utility Regulation Report Series FEUR Report No. 6 (2016).