Publications By Research Area
Publications By Year Range
Goldman, Charles A, and Edward P Kahn."Comparative Assessment of the Demand-Side Management Plans of Four New York Utilities."Energy
14.10 (1989) 14. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Joseph H Eto, Isaac Turiel, Kristin E Heinemeier, Benoit Lebot, Bruce Nordman, and Leo I Rainer."Integrated Estimation of Commercial Sector End‑Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities, Final Report."
Krause, Florentin, and Joseph H Eto."Least Cost Utility Planning, A Handbook for Public Utility Commissioners, Volume 2: The Demand Side: Conceptual and Methodological Issues."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand-Side Programs."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
3.4 (1988) 7. DOI
Eto, Joseph H."Least-Cost Utility Planning, A Handbook for Public Utility Commissioners Volume 1."
Goldman, Charles A, Kathleen M Greely, and Jeffrey P Harris."An Updated Compliation of Measured Energy Savings in Retrofitted Multifamily Buildings."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eto, Joseph H, Carl Blumstein, and Michael Jaske."Changing Needs in Energy Demand Forecasting: A California Perspective."1988 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Winifred Yen-Wood."Statistical Indicators of Potential for Electric Utility Least‑Cost Planning Programs."
Eto, Joseph H, James E McMahon, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Mark D Levine."The Regional Energy and Economic Impacts of the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987."
Eto, Joseph H."Program in Analysis of California Energy Consumption Data: First Year Project Results."UERG Program in Analysis of California Energy Consumption Data Report
Meier, Alan K, Charles A Goldman, Kathleen M Greely, and Jeffrey P Harris."Estimating Conservation Potential Using BECA Data."
Kahn, Edward P, and Charles A Goldman."Impact of tax reform on renewable energy and cogeneration projects."Energy Economics
9.4 (1987) 215-226. DOI
Rothkopf, Michael H, Edward P Kahn, Thomas J Teisberg, Joseph H Eto, and Jean-Michel Nataf."Designing PURPA Power Purchase Auctions: Theory and Practice."
Geller, Howard S, Eric L Miller, Marc R Ledbetter, Peter M Miller, and Joseph H Eto."Acid Rain and Electricity Conservation."
Kahn, Edward P, Chris Pignone, Joseph H Eto, James E McMahon, and Mark D Levine."The Effect of Conservation Programmes on Electric Utility Earnings: Results of Two Case Studies."Energy Policy
June.3 (1987) 249-261. DOI
McMahon, James E, Joseph H Eto, Peter T Chan, Jonathan G Koomey, Mark D Levine, Chris Pignone, Henry Ruderman, Baruch Lev, J A Bloom, A.S Gleit, F.H Murphy, and C Shoemaker."The LBL Residential Energy and Hourly Demand Models."Strategic Planning in Energy and Natural Resources
Goldman, Charles A, Michael H Rothkopf, Susan E Pantell, and Ann B Thorpe."U.S Energy Vulnerability in the 1990s: A Reassessment."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand‑side Programs: A Case Study of the Texas Utilities Electric Company."National Conference on Utility DSM Programs, Houston, Texas
Eto, Joseph H."Utility Benefits from Targeting Demand‑side Management Programs at Specific Distribution Areas."
(1986) 90.
Kahn, Edward P, Joseph H Eto, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Mark D Levine."Valuation of Demand-side Utility Programs."1986 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, Chris Pignone, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Thermal Integrity Measures for Residential Buildings: Texas Utilities Electric Company and Nevada Power Company."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes: The Nevada Power Company."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes: The Texas Utility Electric Company."