Energy Planning & Procurement

Advancing best practices in energy planning and procurement

What We Do

EMP's analysis, tools, and technical assistance address a wide range of planning and procurement issues across the electricity system involving utilities, regional grid operators, regulators, and markets.

Our Approach

Utilities and regional entities conduct planning to ensure reliable electricity service for bulk power and distribution systems. EMP evaluates these plans, collects key assumptions and results, and disseminates best practices to a broad set of stakeholders. EMP also conducts research on a range of vital topics, including resource planning and procurement; integrated planning for distribution systems and grid modernization; socio-economic evaluation; transmission planning; regional grid operator (RTO/ISO) processes; the design and operation of centrally organized wholesale electricity markets; and generator interconnection trends and processes. Our technical assistance informs electricity system decisions by utilities, regional grid operators, regulators, and other government agencies.

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